As I get older it seems the #1 question I get from people I've just met is "Why aren't you married?" with "got any kids?" a close second. What is with this society that you must be married or have been married at least once by the time you're 30? Personally I think that's bullshit. Most of the people that I know my age have been divorced at least once and talk about the continued static they get from their deadbeat ex. Oh yeah, I want that!!! I do want to get married and even though I don't know the future I want to try to at least get it right the first time. If I had gone the route that "everybody" else did in my 20's I know I'd be divorced by now because the woman I got closest to couldn't be faithful to save her life.
What's worse?? My mom and dad are starting to ask that question...fuck me!!!
What's worse?? My mom and dad are starting to ask that question...fuck me!!!

i don't belive in marrige or that people can be with one person...