You know what sucks the most about vacations?? They have to end
Back to the grind, and I do mean grind
Vegas was hot, literally, it was over 100 everyday I was there!! I was up there for a marriage of a friend (ask me about the bacherlor party sometime
) and a bit of a reunion. Totally great!!!
Didn't gamble much but I did win $3.75 on the slots *woohoo*

Back to the grind, and I do mean grind

Vegas was hot, literally, it was over 100 everyday I was there!! I was up there for a marriage of a friend (ask me about the bacherlor party sometime

Unfortuately I won't be able to take one anytime soon -- going from a dual-income-no-kids household to me being the sole breadwinner (goddamn tech industry cutbacks = Anger having no job since February) has kinda cut into our savings.
Basically, we're broke. *sigh* I have vacation time, I could take the time off.. we just couldn't DO anything. But at this point that might be nice. But if I do that, I won't have any more vacation time for another year...
But hey, wish him luck, he's got an interview on Tuesday in St. Charles. Know any tech industry people who need a programmer/database/uber-tech-support guy?
...also, i need info:
1) are you in town, if so for how long, or if not, when are you coming back?
2) e-mail addy and phone # please! click contact on my profile and e-mail me them, this way we can all stay abreast of what is happening with SGSTL
3) what do I have to do to get you to an event? Shalome offered buying us all SG buttons...
...your leader has spoken!