so ive been helping a bit at the local dog rescue DAWGS lately & ive fallen in love

^ this is cujo hes a 2 year old staffie terrier and i want to adopt him soso bad !!
we're working on training him before he can be adopted cuz right now hes such a barker and cant be left alone without going wild
i dont know the full story as to why hes at the shelter but i know he came from an abusive home and it makes me so down !
im usually much more of a fan of teacup dogs and pugs a lot more than bigger dogs but this little guy melts my heart
adopt your dogs kids!!

^ this is cujo hes a 2 year old staffie terrier and i want to adopt him soso bad !!
we're working on training him before he can be adopted cuz right now hes such a barker and cant be left alone without going wild

im usually much more of a fan of teacup dogs and pugs a lot more than bigger dogs but this little guy melts my heart
adopt your dogs kids!!

he's beautiful!!
he just needs a home with big side yards so his barking doesn't bother the neighbors! i hope he finds a wonderful family! 

Staffies are the most adorable little doggies ever!!!