the lethargy must end. the spring mix tape has been struck. a new knee brace purchased, and compliant weather so as not to freeze my balls off whilst running. got a hair cut. and for those that know me it was a long time coming. dont fret, however, faithful reader. it were just a trim. the locks are intact and with the assurance of my stylist, whom i traded goods for services instead of hard currency, (graphic design) they will grow that much faster. im planning on taking over the city in early august like dr. octopus only with my fro instead of metal arms attatched to my back. it'll work. i promise. the two jobs are beginning to take the toll i knew they would but i like the money. guess that makes me a capitalistic hooker. oh well. at least i can admit that to myself. buy the ticket, take the ride. and dont take any guff from the swine.
if you're a capitalist hooker, how much do you charge? i'd like a good nice taste myself.