Being Old and Signs of Aging
So where do I begin, First I am going to talk about my mom.
My Mom is 54 I believe, and she is getting really old, in her actions, as well as what she says and her smell. My mom is 54 going on 80, example we were at a party over the summer and my grandmother's 85 year old boyfriend(who has one foot in the grave) start listing off all his ailments well my mother begins to out old this 85 year old on deaths door and when I say deaths door he has been fighting cancer for 6 years as well as other ailments which I heard about but chose not to remember. She has also been stating that she is so lonely because all her friends are dying off. Now this is not true she has bunch of very and is a very social woman she is out every other night. She has one close friend that is dying of cancer all of her other friends are just experiencing aches and pains of normal aging. But according to her they are all dying off. Now the final part of this rant on my mom getting old she has old woman smell. You know that smell you hits your nose when you went to church or had to meet friends of you grandmothers that odd over perfumey mixed with dust, that after the hug sit with you for days well I hugged my mom on Thursday to say goodbye and the whole ride home I smelt something I waited until I got home and smelt my hands. There it was, old lady smell. I tried to wash it off with soap didn't work, washed with baking powder didn't work even tried a lemon oil, still there. The smell lasted until this morning. I have not mentioned anything to her and probably won't.
Now here is my little sign of getting old, today I went to get and eye exam. The doctor said my new perscription is actually better then my old one so I thought my eye were getting better. Then he checks the pressure on my eyes and notices that my right I has more pressure behind it then my left. Then he lets me know that I need to set up another appointment next week to get tested for glaucoma now I am totally paranoid, He said that the different pressure might be something I was born with. I am still worried, So this week I am probably do some research on it to what I can expect if I do have it so I can be ready.
I do worry I am getting old but I know I don't act it.
On a few good notes. I am getting new glasses a totally different style than I have had in the past. Here they are I am going to take a before and after picture just so I can compare and see how different I look.
The other thing is I got a new Universal Adapter for my Leatherman so I can use a Standard hex screwdriver bit. this will make work so much easier I should just be able to bring my Leatherman and the Adapter.

So where do I begin, First I am going to talk about my mom.
My Mom is 54 I believe, and she is getting really old, in her actions, as well as what she says and her smell. My mom is 54 going on 80, example we were at a party over the summer and my grandmother's 85 year old boyfriend(who has one foot in the grave) start listing off all his ailments well my mother begins to out old this 85 year old on deaths door and when I say deaths door he has been fighting cancer for 6 years as well as other ailments which I heard about but chose not to remember. She has also been stating that she is so lonely because all her friends are dying off. Now this is not true she has bunch of very and is a very social woman she is out every other night. She has one close friend that is dying of cancer all of her other friends are just experiencing aches and pains of normal aging. But according to her they are all dying off. Now the final part of this rant on my mom getting old she has old woman smell. You know that smell you hits your nose when you went to church or had to meet friends of you grandmothers that odd over perfumey mixed with dust, that after the hug sit with you for days well I hugged my mom on Thursday to say goodbye and the whole ride home I smelt something I waited until I got home and smelt my hands. There it was, old lady smell. I tried to wash it off with soap didn't work, washed with baking powder didn't work even tried a lemon oil, still there. The smell lasted until this morning. I have not mentioned anything to her and probably won't.
Now here is my little sign of getting old, today I went to get and eye exam. The doctor said my new perscription is actually better then my old one so I thought my eye were getting better. Then he checks the pressure on my eyes and notices that my right I has more pressure behind it then my left. Then he lets me know that I need to set up another appointment next week to get tested for glaucoma now I am totally paranoid, He said that the different pressure might be something I was born with. I am still worried, So this week I am probably do some research on it to what I can expect if I do have it so I can be ready.
I do worry I am getting old but I know I don't act it.
On a few good notes. I am getting new glasses a totally different style than I have had in the past. Here they are I am going to take a before and after picture just so I can compare and see how different I look.
The other thing is I got a new Universal Adapter for my Leatherman so I can use a Standard hex screwdriver bit. this will make work so much easier I should just be able to bring my Leatherman and the Adapter.

My mom is the exact opposite, she is about to turn 50 this year and she is trying to out "young" me