Congratz on your anniversary....marriage is a hella ride isn't it?? But at the end of the day, it's always incredible to be with someone that you love regardless of the ups and the downs...
Thanks for all your positive thoughts...we could use all of them that we can get!
15lbs is a goodly amount, congrats. I lost 17 last summer and maybe 12 this year (had a helluva plateau until July). Good luck in reaching your goal and have a smashing Halloween,
So I am not going to bore you all with the details of my bad day let me just say that I am going to be spending tomorrow cleaning out the basement of all the wet stuff.
The other thing first I never win anything so I got excited that I won a copy of World of Warcraft Battlechest I have been installing it and... Read More
I presently work with ppl that worked for blizzard...and MIGHT if we ever get that campaign back get to work on it!! yaaa that would be fun. Spend all day in a chat room answering questions about WoW!!
Let me know what server you are playing on, my trial account ran out but I am going to pick up the world of warcraft battle chest this week. Don't listen to Al, forget the paper and dice come to dark side, we have cookies.
Ok so I haven't posted in a little bit, First off I haven't been coherent enough to do so getting only a few hours a sleep a night(I know I have an infant). I know also I haven't commented on any ones Blog. Once I get the time to read them I will.
I was going to update with some pictures of my kids but... Read More
Ok so What the FUCK????
What make waht I am about to say even funnier is aldremech and I were talking about this after I posted my going to the 4th Ed D&D early release night at my local FLGS.
So I was sitting in downtown Boston today I think I might have found the only shady cool spot outside waiting for a Client to... Read More
This is the recipe I use....they're VERY lemony. You could add lemon zest to the crust to make them even more so if you wanted to.
Lemon Squares
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1 cup butter, melted
4 eggs
2 cups white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
5/8 cup lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 9x13 inch pan.
In a medium bowl, stir together 2 cups flour and confectioners' sugar. Blend in the melted butter. Press into the bottom of the prepared pan.
Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, or until golden. In a large bowl, beat eggs until light. Combine the sugar, baking powder and 1/4 cup of flour so there will be no flour lumps. Stir the sugar mixture into the eggs. Finally, stir in the lemon juice. Pour over the prepared crust and return to the oven.
Bake for an additional 30 minutes or until bars are set. Allow to cool completely before cutting into bars. Dust with additional confectioner's sugar.
As for your blog? I was at the hospital waiting to have bloodwork and an older gentleman (with his billion year old mother I might add who was back giving blood) approaches me and tells me that I not only look hideous but how can I actually go out in public like that! I guess having black and blue hair with tattoos and piercings is offensive to those with sticks shoved so far up their ass all they ever taste is bark!
I wish I could have said that or even something witty but all I did was let my mouth hang open and then when he left cry!
So in about an hour and a half I will have my geeky little hands on 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. I am a little skeptical about the system. But I have every base rule set of D&D going back to the Red box. I am going to my local game store and meet with the other geeks and talk D&D and other gaming and... Read More
Damn, I remember gasping when they came out with the 2nd edition. Shit, my geek is showing
They closed the local gaming shop here in town. Now if I ever decide to try and buy the stuff, I am doomed to, or Ebay
So the baby is now 3 days past the due date. I think the baby is messing with us. With my son he was on time and we knew he was a boy. We knew my daughter was a girl and she was on time this one we decieded not to find out and they are late.
Hang in there, dude. Babies come when they are ready to come. My son was 11 days late and my daughter was 9 days late. If you believe in due dates... which I basically don't. Babies have a schedule all their own. But it is HARD to wait. I really KNOW that! Get out and walk with your wife. Walking helps move things along... but you both already know that I'm sure!
So I am trying to work out something. My 11 year old son has been very secretive when it comes to me. But not with his mother and grandparents. I have tried confronting him about it and he keeps telling me there is nothing wrong. I have brought it up with his mother and my parents and they say they are not keeping anything from... Read More
Uh...Aldremech said almost exactly what I was going to say! My son was kind of the same way growing up with Flashmo, and responded better to just hanging out doing stuff together VS. trying to sit him down and demand answers. Once they spent time doing stuff together, the words just kind of flowed naturally. Take him camping, or teach him how to fish~ it will do you both a world of good
Thanks for all your positive thoughts...we could use all of them that we can get!