Things are going abit weird with my new interest. I'm afraid she's setting me up for some serious disappointment. I don't know how to confront it or what to do to prepare myself. But I want to try to alleviate as much as possible. How strange are girls. I don't think I smother anyone, and is it possible to do so in the first week of meeting someone. I get alot of mixed signals and wonder if maybe not calling her for awhile would be a good thing (not easy, but maybe a good test). If she calls me, then that might be a good sign. Depends on the circumstances. But I really do like her, and I'm also afraid of not calling her might make it seem like I'm not interested enough in her to pursue anything and she'll just pass on. I fucking can't stand this, I feel like I've never dated before in my life. Stress Stress Stress. I'm intrigued by the age differences as well, and am welcoming the challange, I don't want it to just fissel out. Does anyone know some common signs of smothing? Help a guy out seriously!

I've been away as I took Friday off of work and do not have the glorious invention of Internet on my apartment. So, I am completely dependent on my working hours to post, check-in, journal, etc..
I'm quite excited to check out the music. I will let you know my thoughts. (Get your Cursive tickets while you can!)
No seriously i'm not but really give it like between 2 and 3 days.. its a nice safe amount of time. You want SOME space in the begining.. its not a bad thing if you call, and doesnt make you seem forward at all. BUT once you call man be fucking to the point.. dont do the hey lets hang out stuff, if you like her you make sure its known that you want a freaking date dude.
Women are freaking weird.. they creep me out sometimes because its like they always come at you with this new attack wave or some shit and the dating scene these days is WAY more screwed than in the old days.