Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Well it's finally happened, SG picked up a nice interview with one of my favorite authors Arthur Nersesian (The Interview)
Read it today!!
StarsandSmokes is going to join my family for thanksgiving, since he's a fallen parcel in PA. The rest of his family is boozing it up in Louisiana, and they said that they didn't have enough turkey for him anyway...I'm kidding, he's got a great family, even if the stories he's told me paint a much more Dali-esque image.
Forgive someone today, it might be your last chance, and hug your grandparents, they aren't getting any younger you know...
Well it's finally happened, SG picked up a nice interview with one of my favorite authors Arthur Nersesian (The Interview)
Read it today!!
StarsandSmokes is going to join my family for thanksgiving, since he's a fallen parcel in PA. The rest of his family is boozing it up in Louisiana, and they said that they didn't have enough turkey for him anyway...I'm kidding, he's got a great family, even if the stories he's told me paint a much more Dali-esque image.
Forgive someone today, it might be your last chance, and hug your grandparents, they aren't getting any younger you know...

and thanks for pointing out that interview. he wrote "the fuck-up", no? good book.
i hope your thanksgivin was damn fine! hope yur havin a grand ol time....talk to you later i hope.