Cast off your hair
toss off your clothe
tear off your painted nails
rip out your contacted eyes
disperse your shine, your rings and things
scrap away the painted skin
lose those fillings and bridges
Are you naked yet?
no. dig deeper
remove those tattered memories
spread thin, between the high/low
sever the loops of intelligence
can you remember me?
Now, are you naked?
no. dig deeper
depress your flesh, to muscle and bone
plick off your nails, pluck our your eyelashes
shave off your beard, remove your brow
now Van Gogh, Van Gogh again
nose...dispite your face
You naked now?
no. dig deeper
[ . . ] a core must be split
a nucleus so bright
wax, wane
until center becomes crust
implosion and explosion still end in obliteration
never. As Matter is everywhere and always
what is that from? did you write it?
no, i like it. good job!