Okay so here's a little survey:
read carefully, think wisely and then answer accordingly...one answer per question and a reason, if applicable:
Question 1) your stranded on an island out in the middle of nowhere, aside from the occational fish, a Large box of food drifts on to your beach randomly through out the course of your stay. If you had the power to pick what kind of food it was, (which irregardless never changes from that initial choice) what would you pick. This kicker is you can only choose from a list of 12 foods, remember you'll be stranded probably for the rest of your life so choose wisely:
The list:
1. Banana
2. Vanilla Cream
3. Caramel Cream
4. Peppermint
5 Pina-Colada mix
6. Bubblegum (the pink kind)
7. Exotic Passion Fruit
8. Cherries
9. Peaches
10. Watermelon
11. Stawberries and Kiwi
12. Chocolate covered Rasberries
Question 2) (refer to above list): You're dead! apparently you weren't the best Christian ever, and you've been sent to Hell. Apparently Satan has some bad news, being the Gluttonious American's you are, your punishment will be to gorge yourself for the rest of eternity. But he'll let you pick one item from a list of 12 to feast upon, though you can never change your choice once it's been made. what would you pick, please refer back to the above list.
Final Question 3): (use above list please): Christ himself makes an unexpected appearance with Saint Paul, apparently, someone filled out the wrong section in your paperwork and there has been an reprieve. You get to go to Heaven finally. But, it's not at all what you thought it would be. God was reading your mind today and had made the manitory change to have all food flavored to whatever item you pick for this answer. Thinking that you would be ever greatful, you could never ask him to change it again! What would you pick (you know the drill).
Again, please consider wisely and a reason grouped with your choices are welcome.
Thanks for contributing! I'll post my final reasons after I feel I've gotten enough contributions.
read carefully, think wisely and then answer accordingly...one answer per question and a reason, if applicable:
Question 1) your stranded on an island out in the middle of nowhere, aside from the occational fish, a Large box of food drifts on to your beach randomly through out the course of your stay. If you had the power to pick what kind of food it was, (which irregardless never changes from that initial choice) what would you pick. This kicker is you can only choose from a list of 12 foods, remember you'll be stranded probably for the rest of your life so choose wisely:
The list:
1. Banana
2. Vanilla Cream
3. Caramel Cream
4. Peppermint
5 Pina-Colada mix
6. Bubblegum (the pink kind)
7. Exotic Passion Fruit
8. Cherries
9. Peaches
10. Watermelon
11. Stawberries and Kiwi
12. Chocolate covered Rasberries
Question 2) (refer to above list): You're dead! apparently you weren't the best Christian ever, and you've been sent to Hell. Apparently Satan has some bad news, being the Gluttonious American's you are, your punishment will be to gorge yourself for the rest of eternity. But he'll let you pick one item from a list of 12 to feast upon, though you can never change your choice once it's been made. what would you pick, please refer back to the above list.
Final Question 3): (use above list please): Christ himself makes an unexpected appearance with Saint Paul, apparently, someone filled out the wrong section in your paperwork and there has been an reprieve. You get to go to Heaven finally. But, it's not at all what you thought it would be. God was reading your mind today and had made the manitory change to have all food flavored to whatever item you pick for this answer. Thinking that you would be ever greatful, you could never ask him to change it again! What would you pick (you know the drill).
Again, please consider wisely and a reason grouped with your choices are welcome.
Thanks for contributing! I'll post my final reasons after I feel I've gotten enough contributions.
2)watermelon to keep me cool man! or perhaps vanilla icercream but its really not that refreshing.
3)cholcolate covered rasperries because they make me think of sex which is probably exactly what you wouldnt be getting enough of in heaven. chocolate also triggers the same endorphins as sex does, so then it would satisfy. ya know? and its decadent, heaven would be decadent wouldnt it?
sorry i missed you last night, i will be online tonight though. perhaps about eightish? hope to talk to you soon.