A momentum builds.
It will release like an avalanche
Fingers drop like daggers,
cutting straight to the point
Accusations are only skin deep
how deep is your skin
The first tip nips the shoulder
the second plants against the temple
the third, painfully, presses the throat
the final chips away, and away, and away
pressing a pad softly into your cheek
it drags slowly towards your chin
embarrassing bumps and hairs scream awake
the blush is now on
pulling down, you grab your knees
cowering smaller, lower, deeper into...yourself
you feign safety
your reality is washed-up
It will release like an avalanche
Fingers drop like daggers,
cutting straight to the point
Accusations are only skin deep
how deep is your skin
The first tip nips the shoulder
the second plants against the temple
the third, painfully, presses the throat
the final chips away, and away, and away
pressing a pad softly into your cheek
it drags slowly towards your chin
embarrassing bumps and hairs scream awake
the blush is now on
pulling down, you grab your knees
cowering smaller, lower, deeper into...yourself
you feign safety
your reality is washed-up