@rambo and @missy Asked us what our biggest vice is...
Happy to say that my biggest vice, is marijuana. I am a card holder in Oregon and this medicine has done nothing but good for me and has saved my life. When I was 13 I got diagnosed with Scoliosis of my spine ( A curvature in the spine making it an S shape) after many doctor visits and no medication for the pain that I had to go through everyday, I started self medicating. The doctors would refuse to give me actual pain medication do to my age, leaving me with ibuprofen and that's it, and many of us with chronic pain will tell you that just wasn't going to cut it. So I turned to 'Pot' and as disapproving and judgmental as some of my family was. I had the most wonderful and supportive mom who knew that this wasn't a stage, and knew that I understood the medical use of marijuana and to not abuse that. She understood I was medicating for pain as she was the only one who saw me crying in agony from back pain a 80 year old should be having, not a 13 year old girl.
So Marijuana, for not only being a vice, but a savior is disguise. You will forever be my vice, to tame my nerves, to calm my body and to soothe my soul. <3
ps. I will write more about my struggles with scoliosis and my battle to concur it.