Monday May 05, 2003 May 5, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email "If I get over there and you're not wearing tights its over!" -Actual quote from my gal. Yea, its like that. That's all for now. VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS thursday: excellent, a woman that knows what she wants. do0d, spread the illustration talent to some of the oregon girls. *hint hint* [Edited on May 06, 2003] May 6, 2003 ika13: You are right....smiting shall occur! Directly after going to the doctor's and being prescribed medecine to make my throat return to functionality, that is... May 7, 2003
do0d, spread the illustration talent to some of the oregon girls. *hint hint*
[Edited on May 06, 2003]