Huzzah! Another week gone by produces yet another SG get together. Got to meet Thorn and Temptess this week. Both very cool. All together there was Fractal, Temptess, Lil Dragon, Twenty3beers, Demoivre, Thorn, Mara, and me. Plus a few non members and one girl who was thinking about becoming an SG. Chat was fun. Drinks were good. Service was terrrible. Some very cool Set Ideas were exchanged. The next time you see a Fractal set she may have some company! *crosses fingers*
In other news I'm getting my ass kicked in the PnP group. Something I've learned: Never let the guy with necromancy and Abyssal Command determine the starting positions of him, his troops, and you. But if you do, make sure he tells you at some point what they are exactly. I swear Leningrad I've asked you like five times how far away you are! "Oh at least a full turn away....No you're not there yet." I will have Vengence for The Sun's Lingering Shadow! I swear it!
In other news I'm getting my ass kicked in the PnP group. Something I've learned: Never let the guy with necromancy and Abyssal Command determine the starting positions of him, his troops, and you. But if you do, make sure he tells you at some point what they are exactly. I swear Leningrad I've asked you like five times how far away you are! "Oh at least a full turn away....No you're not there yet." I will have Vengence for The Sun's Lingering Shadow! I swear it!
Would you mind if I add you on my neighbors - pardon, I mean SG friends - list?