Well It seems that I gave my fellow citizens too much credit, or rather I just mispercieved their temperments. See I thought that once people started people dying and suffering and what not that people would go "Oh wiat, thats right, war is bad and I don't want people to die, maybe I'm not as sure about this whole war thing as I used to be." But instead this has happened "Oh look, people who are diffrent then me are dying! And we're winning a war! Look the the explostions are "spectacular!" (a word actually used to describe the explosions in bahgdad). Now I know I'm not being fair here, I'm being a little over the top. But the fact that so many people can smile about a war is distrubing to me. Perhaps since our PC culture has made it "wrong" to dislike people for whatever reason people are just happy to have a bad guy again. Whatever the reason I'm not sure what it means to be an American anymore. I THOUGHT it had something to do with a belief in the ideals of our forefathers. When I think of all the good our country could do...I don't know. I guess we'd rather be safe than free.
the Animatrix was dope.