Can't sleep, booze running through veins. Mmmmm Booze. Can't seem to fire off enough neuro electrons to get legs to work, yet typing skills seem to function. Must eat cookies, only food left in house and so very very hungry as always after I drink. And no the Irony will not be lossed on me if I toss them up later. My friends are evil, dressing me up when I'm drunk. But I deserve it I'm sure. Oh how I hope I don't have to go to work tomorrow.... Have to have breakfast with family though, must explain to them the facts of life about roomate/best friend. "You see mom, sometimes a man likes other men, no not me, don't worry...." and so on. Ok key board skillz failingjgk....fingers...not responding...cantntk;k ...typeoing....damn..kfdlajf.....*fizzle*, *pop* ....
ah, very well then....
so who are you?