Doth mine eyes decieve me? Nay! Tis True! There will indeed be a Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie! LOL! Oh what will they think of next. Not that I don't love Sponge Bob hehe. Sponge Bob Squarepants fans will have to forgive me, but the only animated series that I'd care to hit the big screen right now is Samurai Jack. Anyways, It looks Like I'll be starting an Exalted game pretty soon, I need only wait for my two lazy Lunars to hurry up their Characters! hehe. Oh the things I've thought up to put my players through, tee hee, it will be such fun, for me anyways....
Spongebob= Phylum Porifera, Class Demospongia (since he seems to lack both siliceous and calcerious spicules, and is instead bound together by spongin. Also, he seems to be less asconoid or syconoid, and more leuconoid in shape, thus Demospongia).
Sponges avoid predation by having sharp spicules or smelling very bad. Since spongebob has no spicules, he must have some nasty B.O.