*NOTE: The following is an exageration of actual moods and events!*
What a crapptastic day! First I get called into work on a Sunday! SUNDAY! The Lords Day! Blashphemy! Ok I'm not Christian but sitll.... Then My back starts acting up. I'm pretty damn sure my spine Is collasping in on its self. I can barely move. Oh sweet merciful crap the pain! Next I start getting tired. Like really tired! And then I feel this bump on my forehead and It dawns on me! Cancer! Well maybe It was a zit but I'm pretty sure its Cancer. Cuz that would make more sense. My hand did a twitchy thing so I think the cancer is giving me parkisans disease. Just great! And where is my Long distance bill! I can't pay if they don't bill me! Ah my goatee has Dandruf! DANDRUF! What a wretched existance! thank god for goth girl porn.... DANDRUF BY GOD!
*The following melodrama has been brought to you by Astrokreep Inc, Exageratting for pity since 1982*
What a crapptastic day! First I get called into work on a Sunday! SUNDAY! The Lords Day! Blashphemy! Ok I'm not Christian but sitll.... Then My back starts acting up. I'm pretty damn sure my spine Is collasping in on its self. I can barely move. Oh sweet merciful crap the pain! Next I start getting tired. Like really tired! And then I feel this bump on my forehead and It dawns on me! Cancer! Well maybe It was a zit but I'm pretty sure its Cancer. Cuz that would make more sense. My hand did a twitchy thing so I think the cancer is giving me parkisans disease. Just great! And where is my Long distance bill! I can't pay if they don't bill me! Ah my goatee has Dandruf! DANDRUF! What a wretched existance! thank god for goth girl porn.... DANDRUF BY GOD!
*The following melodrama has been brought to you by Astrokreep Inc, Exageratting for pity since 1982*
and I'm sorry you have cancer... and all that other stuff astro.