Ah yesterday was fun, painting rocks, staring at sky for no reason, stealing spoons from work, having friend hit on by street sign...sigh...good times. Hopefully tonight will be fun as well. Hey lets try out some of these new smileys. OOOO this one looks scary....
.... thats just wrong. Whats this guy smoking?
...weird. Well to conitnue on Lotus' train of thought if you could kidnap one celebrity and do naughty things to them what would it be and who?

um..that's why I'm online. I'm studying. yeah.
hmmm celebrities... i currently have a big tremendous crush on Paz, the former bassist for a perfect circle and the current bassist for zwan. she is seriously the most beautiful human being ive ever seen. Ummm but i cant think of anything naughty. man, im pathetic.