This week: DAREDEVIL
Warning Cynism and Spoilers Ahead!
As some of you may know I was wary heading into this film. I handed the ticket boy my $5.50 ever so cautiously wondering if I should snap my hand back at the last moment before it was too late. However I did not and the next hour and whatever minutes of my life was spent in a dark but sparsley populated room watching the latest superhero blockbuster, Daredevil!
This film has several academy awards coming its way. Sadly none of them exist yet, but as the Critics Choice Awards created the catagory of "best digital performance" for Andy Serkis' role as Gollum I am certain that the Academy will follow suit. This movie is a shoe in for "most cliches used in a single hour and a half" award as well as the coveted "least developed arch nemisis" for the character Kingpin. The competition isn't even close as far as I'm aware. One of the best parts of action films is the fun one-liner. This is where the movie gets creative. Instead of having just two or three one-liners the makers of this film have revolutionized the genre by making the movie nothing BUT one-liners. Genious! They also saved time I'm sure by dividing the qualtity of those two or three one liners used in a normal film and distrubting it amoungst the five or so hundred used in this film. The action shost in this movie were also quite impressive. There were basically two types: The live action ones that were poorely choreographed and even more poorly executed (I havn't seen such slow reflexes since crouching sloth hidden tortoise) and the computer generated ones which are obvious and over exagerated. I remember watching the Matrix for the first time and saying to myself "Wow that looks amazing!" as compared to say this film where I said "Wow, Thats a computer generated effect!" What's really impressive are Daredevil's powers. What I refer to as his "echo location sense" is so advance that it can distinguish light and shading on peoples faces. That's mighty advanced! Did I mention he has a stick? Unfortunetley his opponents are not so impressive. The major of these is the Kingpin, who is well, the Kingpin of New York crime. We don't learn much about what he does except that he controls everything illigitamate and likes to look out his office window. We learn that he is a successful business man for show, but what that business is they never even mention. Next there's bullseye. He is a really really REALLY good at hitting the target. He takes pride in it as well, makes sense, I was proud of myself too when the score board on my duck hunt game had to loop cuz there were no more digit spaces. Besides being a good shot he's just your run of the mill bad tempered, violent irishman. Then theres Elektra. Shes nice to look at. She's not so nice to listen to though. I can't ever recall another film where I was as happy to see a beautiful girl killed and thus removed from the film. Perhaps she wouldn't have died if she had splurged on her costume budjet and added in an additional square foot of fabric, effectively doubling her body armor (bringing her AC to a nice even -2). One thing I genuinely like about this film was that whenever Daredevil returned home from a night of fighting crime his body ached and he was really beat up (the face never got bruise though of course). The fact that I enjoyed this had two major factors. It added to the realism of the super hero life AND I got to see Ben Afflek in pain. All in all this film wasn't as good as it looked, and it looked bad. However this movie does get bonus points for being authentic. I do believe that a devil type figure was actually envolved in the creation of this film and that at least one of the producers must have been a "man without fear." This movie is making a lot of money so I could way of base here. I won't tell you never to see it for fear of losing your immortal soul, however I will recommend waiting until its video release and suggest having gone to confession before pushing the play button. Some Critics also apparently enjoyed this movie giving it numerous stars and various digits. However I think I'll quote one of the more reliable men of that proffesion to sum up this movie.... "It Stinks!"
This week: DAREDEVIL
Warning Cynism and Spoilers Ahead!
As some of you may know I was wary heading into this film. I handed the ticket boy my $5.50 ever so cautiously wondering if I should snap my hand back at the last moment before it was too late. However I did not and the next hour and whatever minutes of my life was spent in a dark but sparsley populated room watching the latest superhero blockbuster, Daredevil!
This film has several academy awards coming its way. Sadly none of them exist yet, but as the Critics Choice Awards created the catagory of "best digital performance" for Andy Serkis' role as Gollum I am certain that the Academy will follow suit. This movie is a shoe in for "most cliches used in a single hour and a half" award as well as the coveted "least developed arch nemisis" for the character Kingpin. The competition isn't even close as far as I'm aware. One of the best parts of action films is the fun one-liner. This is where the movie gets creative. Instead of having just two or three one-liners the makers of this film have revolutionized the genre by making the movie nothing BUT one-liners. Genious! They also saved time I'm sure by dividing the qualtity of those two or three one liners used in a normal film and distrubting it amoungst the five or so hundred used in this film. The action shost in this movie were also quite impressive. There were basically two types: The live action ones that were poorely choreographed and even more poorly executed (I havn't seen such slow reflexes since crouching sloth hidden tortoise) and the computer generated ones which are obvious and over exagerated. I remember watching the Matrix for the first time and saying to myself "Wow that looks amazing!" as compared to say this film where I said "Wow, Thats a computer generated effect!" What's really impressive are Daredevil's powers. What I refer to as his "echo location sense" is so advance that it can distinguish light and shading on peoples faces. That's mighty advanced! Did I mention he has a stick? Unfortunetley his opponents are not so impressive. The major of these is the Kingpin, who is well, the Kingpin of New York crime. We don't learn much about what he does except that he controls everything illigitamate and likes to look out his office window. We learn that he is a successful business man for show, but what that business is they never even mention. Next there's bullseye. He is a really really REALLY good at hitting the target. He takes pride in it as well, makes sense, I was proud of myself too when the score board on my duck hunt game had to loop cuz there were no more digit spaces. Besides being a good shot he's just your run of the mill bad tempered, violent irishman. Then theres Elektra. Shes nice to look at. She's not so nice to listen to though. I can't ever recall another film where I was as happy to see a beautiful girl killed and thus removed from the film. Perhaps she wouldn't have died if she had splurged on her costume budjet and added in an additional square foot of fabric, effectively doubling her body armor (bringing her AC to a nice even -2). One thing I genuinely like about this film was that whenever Daredevil returned home from a night of fighting crime his body ached and he was really beat up (the face never got bruise though of course). The fact that I enjoyed this had two major factors. It added to the realism of the super hero life AND I got to see Ben Afflek in pain. All in all this film wasn't as good as it looked, and it looked bad. However this movie does get bonus points for being authentic. I do believe that a devil type figure was actually envolved in the creation of this film and that at least one of the producers must have been a "man without fear." This movie is making a lot of money so I could way of base here. I won't tell you never to see it for fear of losing your immortal soul, however I will recommend waiting until its video release and suggest having gone to confession before pushing the play button. Some Critics also apparently enjoyed this movie giving it numerous stars and various digits. However I think I'll quote one of the more reliable men of that proffesion to sum up this movie.... "It Stinks!"
Now I know not to go see it. Thank god.
Oh no! *bows head* I grieve for your rat (even though I hate rats, cause she sounded like a good one)