Well...No go on the Role Playing....Though there was George Lucas in love. I think I got negative experience points for a tasteless joke I made about the Orngina drink we had. Oh well... Well my house has officially become a studio of porn! If you were to walk in sometime int he afternoon you would possibley see me drawing fan art for this sight and my roomate drawing homo erotic furry porn that he commisions on line. He's trying to convince to start selling my work too. I dunno....I was a "normal" person two weeks ago and now I'm gonna be producing porn? What has this sight dont to me?!?!?!
Wow, I was just reading your last journal entry and it got me to thinking...see I'm a big CoC player, and I can't quite come up with my absolute favorite character. My saber-wielding anarchist Eskimo ranks up there pretty high, but then so does my sledgehammer/trenchgun toting Russian street ruffian. I like playing the erudite characters! And I think I would be creeped out by a roomate making furry pr0n, something about two anthropomorphic badgers getting it on just sends creepy vibes to me...
You are right to be scared...its very wrong....