Woohoo I might be Role Playing Tomorrow! Ooooh yea Mutants and Masterminds here I come! My character is going to be a 6'5" Russian Albino named Yemchuck. Hmmmm That gets me thinking...A rare event. For all you role players out there whats You're favorite character been? Mine so far was a Homosexual Thai Chatholic Priest in call of Cathulu. He was based on my gay thai roomate...I think my character had higher sanity though....Unfortunatly he was so fun to play and play with that since then my friends want every character I play to be some variation...A gay thai wherewolf...a gay thai Nosferatu...a gay thair elf...you get the idea.....Oh well...How bout you?
My fav character is from the Mage game demoivre refers to. I played a Verbena mage who aspired to be a were-tiger. Her nature was monster, so she got willpower points back for doing horrible things. Needless to say, the other characters didn't like her. She put one in a giant hamster cage for a week and fed his lab blocks. hehehe. And she kept chickens in her trenchcoat.
Sweet! Mage Exalted cross over!?? COOLNESS!!!