It was cool to have people respond about the strip comic. Remember, If I ever make it big time, that means a big "ka ching!" if one of the characters is based on you.
So Saturday and Sunday were spent gaming with Demoivre and Mara. Saturday we gamed from 7pm to roughley 1:30 in the morning. Sunday I was not aware of the time, I just new we had started at 7:00 and we passed midnight at some point. When we finally ended (simply because I had run out of storyline) it was 4:30. Now thats how gaming is supposed to go!!! Needless to say it was a lot of fun, even though Mara has an uncanny natural ability for guessing what dramatic plot twist is about to happen.
My day is open and unsheduled. I'm going to bask in the possibilities.

So Saturday and Sunday were spent gaming with Demoivre and Mara. Saturday we gamed from 7pm to roughley 1:30 in the morning. Sunday I was not aware of the time, I just new we had started at 7:00 and we passed midnight at some point. When we finally ended (simply because I had run out of storyline) it was 4:30. Now thats how gaming is supposed to go!!! Needless to say it was a lot of fun, even though Mara has an uncanny natural ability for guessing what dramatic plot twist is about to happen.
My day is open and unsheduled. I'm going to bask in the possibilities.
you need to change your profile pic to the bunny one.
low blood pressure
control over rats
sunburn REALLY easily
allergic to garlic
repelled by crosses (I'm an athiest)
I almost got a job at a blood bank once
and a steak through the heart would most definately kill me
damn, demoivre's gonna be pissed. he hates vampires.
[Edited on Jun 11, 2003]