New to SG. A little bit about myself
-Just got out of Marine Corps Reserves
-Spent most of last year in Iraq
-graduated from Northeastern University with degree in Environmental Geology
-working of getting tattoos and/or piercings, having trouble deciding so let me know if u have any ideas
-Aspiring alcoholic
-perverted scumbag
-pictures coming soon
adios fucksticks
-Just got out of Marine Corps Reserves
-Spent most of last year in Iraq
-graduated from Northeastern University with degree in Environmental Geology
-working of getting tattoos and/or piercings, having trouble deciding so let me know if u have any ideas
-Aspiring alcoholic
-perverted scumbag
-pictures coming soon
adios fucksticks
Welcome back Devil Dog.
KILLING KITTENS!!!! umm as an alicat who owns 2 cats and loves them I'm not sure why you would leave me a message I mean i know I'm from mass too but really. My sg name is aliCAT come on. I hope its a joke if it is please forgive me for my rant but if its not..