back in sf. suddenly there is portland weather here, wtf?
thank you for your kind words... i apprectiate it! bay area weather wink... rainy season early, but i love it!
in portland now, it's suddenly fall/winter. so grey in the morning it's not quite morning and not quite night. a sense of perpetual in between.
went to build the black rock glacier project, made of recycled water bottles. but it didn't come together. conflict between artist and the engineer prevented completion. which was sad. BUT we managed to have a blast and contribute to neighbors and first timers experiences. now if i could just finish cleaning all the dust off things...

big question for me right now though, should i...
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You can't have both love and personal growth?
I am a lover and I've always followed my heart. Has kept me a bundle of bliss....

I didn't go to Burning man this year. I would like to go next yeat though.

Do you have photos from your trip?
Didn't take any photos this year, but a little video. You should definitely go if you can manage it, and go with friends. Gives me a huge creative burst each year, and opens my heart a little further.

On the love and personal growth dilemma, unfortunately I'm faced with pursuing a relationship or a meditation training and they're mutually exclusive. But it's awful because the relationship is too new to really know how it would turn out, and the meditation training starts this week and it's go or not go. The next training like this doesn't start for a couple years. Very rare tibetan training, that's almost a once in a lifetime opportunity. So my heart is exploding. I fear I'll have regret and heartbreak no matter which way I turn. Crazy how two great options in life can then leave me so upset.
almost packed for the playa. heading out soon. hope to see you out in the desert.
thank you so much!
How was burning man?
ah, germany wast gute! really loved it there. the people were gorgeous. the place was so well kept. dignified even. had tremendous fun. swung by geneva as well briefly, such an international city. next stop, burning the man. going out early to help build one of the large art projects - the black rock glacier.
heading to germany later this week. going to visit a buddhist monastery and two visiting tibetan lamas. my experience so far is that lamas are the warmest, sweetest people on the planet.
Minus 40, so not so warm. Have fun in Germany. I read lamas about being warm...I was thinking llamas, you know, the hock the loogie kind. I know. I need to sleep more.

ack! i've caught a cold. though a nice opportunity to curl up with a blanket and my laptop and catch up with everyone. do you have any movie recommendations for something to rent?
long weekends are for catching up with things that i should be able to do on a regular weekend. but did manage to make it out dancing at least once.
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set!
just wanted to say thank you very much for the comment on my set!smile
back again... wow, all my old entries were saved from two years ago. clever.
darn it, for some reason i can't sleep. twice this week i've only gotten 4 hours of sleep and been unable to go back for more. it's not a problem *going* to sleep, but it leaves me feeling a little groundless all day.