Had Sade on at work today. Some nice cheesey 80's pop soul seemed to suit the vibe. Then some Talking Heads, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and some other stuff I've forgotten already!
Feeling fatigued just now and have been for the last week or so. It's that winter hibernation feeling! Oh to be in leisure!
Got a couple of gigs coming up soon so that should kick start me again.
Still haven't bought a new geetar yet! I was going to buy this
only in black because I like black. I got to try a black one the other day and the paint/wood finish is a hard lacquer! So all you get is a very smooth sheen and no feel of the lovely wood grain
The cherry one (as shown above) has a really nice stain finish so you still get the feel of the wood. I'm off again on Tuesday, so I shall do some further investigating then.
Bah, my tea has gone cold!
Got some nice salmon for tea but now I've sat down in front of this thing I can't be arsed doing fuck all! Just eaten a big bag of Doritos and salsa dip yum yum
Need to start swimming again to get some energy. Tuesday night, or else!
'In the middle of the way from the savage wood to the face of God, at the summit of purgatory, on the threshold of heaven, Beatrice reminds Dante of another threshold long since crossed. Like Persephone, like Isis, like Inanna, she once "visited the threshold of the dead." A blessed spirit, she has walked among the lost. Descending from the throne of joy, she has offered up prayers with tears. By this means alone is Dante saved, as indeed he already knows. Virgil had given him courage to embark on his journey with the news that "three such blessed ladies / care for you in the court of heaven." Now, having completed his tour of purgatory by doing penance for his own sins, Dante is freed by Beatrice and another lady, Matelda, who baptizes him in the rivers of paradise.'
Had Sade on at work today. Some nice cheesey 80's pop soul seemed to suit the vibe. Then some Talking Heads, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and some other stuff I've forgotten already!
Feeling fatigued just now and have been for the last week or so. It's that winter hibernation feeling! Oh to be in leisure!
Got a couple of gigs coming up soon so that should kick start me again.
Still haven't bought a new geetar yet! I was going to buy this

only in black because I like black. I got to try a black one the other day and the paint/wood finish is a hard lacquer! So all you get is a very smooth sheen and no feel of the lovely wood grain

Bah, my tea has gone cold!

Got some nice salmon for tea but now I've sat down in front of this thing I can't be arsed doing fuck all! Just eaten a big bag of Doritos and salsa dip yum yum

Need to start swimming again to get some energy. Tuesday night, or else!
'In the middle of the way from the savage wood to the face of God, at the summit of purgatory, on the threshold of heaven, Beatrice reminds Dante of another threshold long since crossed. Like Persephone, like Isis, like Inanna, she once "visited the threshold of the dead." A blessed spirit, she has walked among the lost. Descending from the throne of joy, she has offered up prayers with tears. By this means alone is Dante saved, as indeed he already knows. Virgil had given him courage to embark on his journey with the news that "three such blessed ladies / care for you in the court of heaven." Now, having completed his tour of purgatory by doing penance for his own sins, Dante is freed by Beatrice and another lady, Matelda, who baptizes him in the rivers of paradise.'
I love that passage its so beautiful is it from Dantes the divine comedy? Black is definately the best colour for all things

Nope still havent seen it, i keep meaning to borrow it off a mate but always forget. Is it good? Stupid question I guess.