After another hectic day at work, went to the supermarket to buy some stuff for tomorrow night. My present to myself arrived today- lots of nice new 12" vinyls for me
Also seen a cool silver chain I might treat myself to...
This time of year is too much. Work gets too mad and loads of people all want to see you all at the same time! This is frustating because all I want to do is shut the door, turn out the lights and get into some music!
Not that I'm antisocial or anything, it gets a bit full on!
I'll get a couple of hours to myself on Saturday so I'll play the decks for a bit and try to empty my head a bit before going to meet the family for dinner.
For anyone out there reading this, remember to be selfish! Loving and giving is all good and well but I fully advocate time spent on ones self. Enjoy!

This time of year is too much. Work gets too mad and loads of people all want to see you all at the same time! This is frustating because all I want to do is shut the door, turn out the lights and get into some music!

I'll get a couple of hours to myself on Saturday so I'll play the decks for a bit and try to empty my head a bit before going to meet the family for dinner.
For anyone out there reading this, remember to be selfish! Loving and giving is all good and well but I fully advocate time spent on ones self. Enjoy!
I'd to hear more stuff by him. Is there a good starting point that you can recomend to get exposed to his music? I've googled him and he has a lot of stuff out there.