Well normally when I post a blog it's a poem on my life at that moment..at this point I cant even configure my thoughts into a neat lil rhyme. Life Has sucked me into it's twisted realm of blissful oblivion. I know longer give a shit. I surrender. I give up. Between Baby. Work. Dogs. Financial instability. Crappy relationship between Supposed fiance.

house falling apart. "Crazy/normal" family. Growing up and the rest of this so called reality's perks I've lost touch with myself. Confusion. Awkwardness. lowered self esteem. lack of social life. Usually I'd say 2 myself I can endure ALL. Just Go with the flow. Lately I feel like I'm denying myself successful opportunities by being a stubborn headed dimwit And not listening to my natural instincts as well as being all of who I know I can be. I'm trying. I can't tell if it's good enough yet...
On A less depressing note,I went to the yucatan peninsula recently.
so rad! I seen Chichen itza on the spring equinox.
Beautiful cultural event. So much energy.
Alas, the only negative 2 this is I got a really bad sunburn this day though, It gave me a good tan. but the worst part in the middle of my back we're i cant reach to put sunscreen is peeling now. it's ok though, I guess I just need to shed this skin and start over somehow again..
I miss my Dandelion & my lil lost fox friend.
One day We'll Have our Dream set and it will be well worth the wait.
I feel much better now...Til next time..on Phecal Matters lol 

On A less depressing note,I went to the yucatan peninsula recently.

I miss my Dandelion & my lil lost fox friend.