Hello loves!
My my it has been a long time since Ive logged onto SG! Ive been a busy bee doing many other things, and thought it would be as good a time as any to finally clue in all the Sg'ers.
Fuck, theres a lot of things I want to include, but I don't want to make this a giant blog..
To start with, I am one year away (finally!) from finishing my double undergrad degree in Anthropology and Art history! I even got to curate a show for the large art gallery on my campus which was a great experience.
Outside of school, I've still been apart of the SG family, just as a product rep! I recently started up again as a rep for the Vape carts and the Lowell Smokes packs, after a 6 month break to get a bit healthier and focus on school, and LOVE meeting all the patients and seeing cool shops. Also the products are pretty damn nice too, Astraia approved for sure.
On a modeling front, Ive been making alot of really cool art!! I set up a patreon account about a year and a half ago and Im so grateful for all the support there has been for my work over this time. Its new for me to be able to direct and guide how I want my images to look as so often with SG sets I just had to hope i liked what the photographer was capturing. I reached a pretty substantial goal there recently too! If you're interested in seeing that page and maybe giving up some of your own income to help support me the link is here: Patreon
Lastly, my health has still been a constant issue/concern as always. Im still learning about how to handle myself and when to hold back and not do things that may push my health to a bad place. Its hard to want to do so many different things and not having the energy or ability to do them all. I was diagnosed with Autism, EDS, and a stomach infection, and its fucking rough im not going to lie. But having the support of the SG weed people and my patrons has allowed me to keep going and not have to get on disability or get a potentially harmful part time job. Once Im done with school Ill be able to support myself (hopefully) doing something with my degree, but in the mean time being able to model has been a god send. Not only for my academic studies, but for my health as well!
Thanks for reading, and I hope this answered some questions if you were wondering where I was <3
Lots of love always