Well hello there SG land!
Its been awhile, if you follow me on Instagram you might have a better idea of what Ive been up to recently, but for the rest of you heres a little update!
To start with, I was diagnosed with SIBO, or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. It has been such a relief to finally have a really diagnosis, and one that has a proven test behind it and not just an idea some doctors had. Ive had stomach pain for as long as I can remember, and I was starting to think I really was crazy, or that it was all in my head. Thankfully i now have a better understanding of whats happening, and why i am in so much pain all the time. I think it makes it easier to deal with, not having to wonder why its happening. My pain level is probably about the same, but theres a difference in the way I deal with it now. Its with understanding, and acceptance.
I have also been able to register for fall classes! I had decided to take a break from school in the winter until my medical situation was more stable. I was constantly missing class, and I didn't have the energy to concentrate on anything. Its so excited to get back to where my life seemed to have left off, I still have a month before classes start but Im already excited.
My break from school did provide one fantastic result, the past 2 months I have really been able to focus on modeling, and getting paid to be...well me! I have had opportunities to do a lot of paid photo shoots, as well as a short film and some music videos. Its been really amazing to be recognized (and compensated!!) for the things I love most, and I really feel honored to be apart of the projects Ive been on. Ive met a lot of really awesome people, some I hope to remain friends with for many years. I couldn't be happier to finally be at a place in this industry where I feel I have accomplished something, and others see it as well.
I hope you all are enjoying your summers as much as I am!
Love always
PS! if youre interested in buying prints and supporting my efforts check out my etsy shop HERE!