Living life in both world
both worlds? hmm. Yea. Growing up being Hearing Impaired is fucking tough. I tell you that, right now. Even to this day. Still fucking tough. At least I can sit here and look back all the shit I've been through and say, wow. All that is what made me become this person right now. I mean, I'm thankful, I'm tough, and I can see clearly how curel this world can be for everyone. Even those people who don't even realize.. Yeah, I've been teased, descriminated, laughed at, and neglected. Growing up also isn't fun either. My brother used to beat the shit out of me. I still love him though. I've been put in the middle of a lot of shit between my mom and my real dad. I never really got to know him till I got in high school. Most of my younger days I never really like wearing my hearing aid. I get less destracted. I don't have to hear my mom and step dad fight all the time. I don't have to worry about hearing my brother talk shit to me but I just can't believe that I actually missed out most of what was going on around me. To hear a convo out in the other room. Sucks missing so much and not even know whats going on till I reallly sit back, wear my damn hearing aid and just. Listen.. With my hearing aid on (right ear only) and raised in a hearing family is like living in a hearing world and attended a deaf school from middle to high school is like living in a deaf world. You have NO idea what I've been through. Its just the SAME as living in the hearing world; I was mistreated badly! Yup! I'm serious. Their deaf pride is huge to them. When I enrolled there at the deaf school and I speak and hear (hearing aid on) like a hearing person. I've had to show my brother's friends the "little thing" in my ear to get them to believe that I am deaf. Only when I don't have my hearing aid on. Yeah.. With it on, I can hear well. So, the kids at the deaf school would just walk by and tell me that I don't belong here and they will do this sign language to insult me by saying "stupid hearing." NO FUN!! Once I got in high school, A lot has changed. There were MORE "hard of hearing" like me, enrolling in the deaf school and I guess it has a lot to do with the society, too. I started mainstreaming into the hearing school for morning classes and my afternoon classes I go back to the deaf school. I see how the kids at the hearing school were so interested and motivated to learn sign language. I felt like, that was where I needed to be. I have more deaf friends than hearing and its so hard to try to explain to few of my friends not to put so much burden on them about why they can't do shit in the hearing world and blaming them for being descriminated when I know they're really not. Same for hearing. Hearing people. They are always nervous or scared to confront deaf people sometimes because they think they are always mad or looking at them dirty. They have A LOT of facial expressions and I will have to tell them, no.. It's ok, he/she is not mad or looking at you dirty. It's how they talk
It's very interesting to sit back now and watch them how they treat eachother, how different their culture,and a lot of miscommunication..
Living my life on one side of my world is slient and the other is just noise.. I would say, after all my life, I will live a pretty interesting life
both worlds? hmm. Yea. Growing up being Hearing Impaired is fucking tough. I tell you that, right now. Even to this day. Still fucking tough. At least I can sit here and look back all the shit I've been through and say, wow. All that is what made me become this person right now. I mean, I'm thankful, I'm tough, and I can see clearly how curel this world can be for everyone. Even those people who don't even realize.. Yeah, I've been teased, descriminated, laughed at, and neglected. Growing up also isn't fun either. My brother used to beat the shit out of me. I still love him though. I've been put in the middle of a lot of shit between my mom and my real dad. I never really got to know him till I got in high school. Most of my younger days I never really like wearing my hearing aid. I get less destracted. I don't have to hear my mom and step dad fight all the time. I don't have to worry about hearing my brother talk shit to me but I just can't believe that I actually missed out most of what was going on around me. To hear a convo out in the other room. Sucks missing so much and not even know whats going on till I reallly sit back, wear my damn hearing aid and just. Listen.. With my hearing aid on (right ear only) and raised in a hearing family is like living in a hearing world and attended a deaf school from middle to high school is like living in a deaf world. You have NO idea what I've been through. Its just the SAME as living in the hearing world; I was mistreated badly! Yup! I'm serious. Their deaf pride is huge to them. When I enrolled there at the deaf school and I speak and hear (hearing aid on) like a hearing person. I've had to show my brother's friends the "little thing" in my ear to get them to believe that I am deaf. Only when I don't have my hearing aid on. Yeah.. With it on, I can hear well. So, the kids at the deaf school would just walk by and tell me that I don't belong here and they will do this sign language to insult me by saying "stupid hearing." NO FUN!! Once I got in high school, A lot has changed. There were MORE "hard of hearing" like me, enrolling in the deaf school and I guess it has a lot to do with the society, too. I started mainstreaming into the hearing school for morning classes and my afternoon classes I go back to the deaf school. I see how the kids at the hearing school were so interested and motivated to learn sign language. I felt like, that was where I needed to be. I have more deaf friends than hearing and its so hard to try to explain to few of my friends not to put so much burden on them about why they can't do shit in the hearing world and blaming them for being descriminated when I know they're really not. Same for hearing. Hearing people. They are always nervous or scared to confront deaf people sometimes because they think they are always mad or looking at them dirty. They have A LOT of facial expressions and I will have to tell them, no.. It's ok, he/she is not mad or looking at you dirty. It's how they talk
Living my life on one side of my world is slient and the other is just noise.. I would say, after all my life, I will live a pretty interesting life
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