pam is moving in next door this weekend, thank fucking god! she's moving into the suite previously occupied by the manager of this apartment building, and i couldn't be more delighted. a bit of background though: since november, i have longed for the removal (or accidental death) of my drunken, incompetent, jock building manager. "date-rape dan" partied noisily till 5am every night, fixed things by breaking them, and refused to buy sand to put on our icy walks. i walked past him one new years' eve sprawled on his own doormat, stinking of piss, and waving his keys around because he was too shitfaced to drag himself into his suite.
naturally, when pam went to view the suite, i had to grill her for details about dan's decor. apparently, his walls were adorned with large framed posters of skanky asian girls frolicking on a bed. classy. he left without cleaning, too.
there's going to be a party next week when pam has settled in. with so many of us living here now, i think it should be a Three's-Company-themed bash! you know, "come and knock on our door...take a step that is new...where the kisses are hers and hers and his..."
naturally, when pam went to view the suite, i had to grill her for details about dan's decor. apparently, his walls were adorned with large framed posters of skanky asian girls frolicking on a bed. classy. he left without cleaning, too.
there's going to be a party next week when pam has settled in. with so many of us living here now, i think it should be a Three's-Company-themed bash! you know, "come and knock on our door...take a step that is new...where the kisses are hers and hers and his..."