a preminition from coma
awake with wings clipped
my eyes saturated from the tears held back
throughout a diamond sky sunclouds fill with rain
in all that you offer
grim words bring the brightest hope
i was content in shade
once you were my water
my mouth dry,
rust rips into all things eternal
this neckless noose
my heart glass
an empty mirror
if now i become only to find i am without you
awake with wings clipped
my eyes saturated from the tears held back
throughout a diamond sky sunclouds fill with rain
in all that you offer
grim words bring the brightest hope
i was content in shade
once you were my water
my mouth dry,
rust rips into all things eternal
this neckless noose
my heart glass
an empty mirror
if now i become only to find i am without you

yeah like britney spears.. yetch.

If you like Eragon stuff.. try stuff by Tamora peirce.. Same style of fun teen fantasy