My Gram is in the hospital. I have no idea what's going on and my mom isn't answering her cell phone.

I got accepted for a Disney internship, now I just have to decide if I'm going to take it.

Boy Arrival Countdown: 6 days
eeek eeek eeek

I hate being sick! But sadly I have some kind of stomach bug that I can't seem to shake. Lucky for me meds have been called in and I should be feeling better by tomorrow night. At least I hope.

Boy's Trip Here Countdown: 14 days

Birthday Countdown:18 days.

Yay! Two great things to look forword to!

Right now I'm longing for: feeling better, jewelry,...
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Finally everything is settled with the boy's trip!

Countdown: 19 days!

It's 6 in the morning and I already wanna say screw it, call it a stay out of school day and curl up in my bed with my fashion magazines. To bad I can't.

I don't even have to be up for another three and a half hours and I'm awake because I just...
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I'm okay, but thank you! smile kiss
25 days till the boy gets here!!!!!!!!!!!

love love love kiss kiss love love

Not that I'm counting or anything....really.
A Samsung slider! It's neato!
Thanks for the sweet comment on my new set kiss
Yay!! I just submitted my application for enrollment into F.I.T!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
eeek smile smile eeek smile

Just got love letters from my guy!!!
love love love
I want a sidekick!
Welcome to the Pen Pals group! Please review the rules and happy writing!!! biggrin
Why did no one tell me that life is forever high school? And high school is the fourth rung of hell?

I need a hug........
Thank you! Here's a BIG hug and NO I don't mind if you crush at all! kiss
Going home (well to my mom's house anyways. Never feels like home anymore.) for four days. Wish this ment a break of some sort. But there two Adolescent Development studyguides to do. A Stellar Astronomy Lab that has to be mailed by noon tomorrow. And my Disney intership interveiw Tuesday night.

Hopefully there will be a enough time for movie watching cause Elizabethtown and In...
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I try and get up there at least once a year. Eventually, I will call it my home (but not until me+my man graduate).

My other option was to go to Nashvegas and see Metric play. The next time I'm in town, I'mma let you know. I'm in town a lot. I love Nashville! skull
hey lady, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! i used all MAC makeup, i'm wearing smolder eye kohl liner, fade eyeshadow on the upper and lower lids and pigment in violet. you should buy some! mac RULES. i'm glad you liked my set! kiss

Why in the hell do I always find up over comitting myself?! you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now. But no, never. I have more to do then time to do it. By this time next week I may need someone to pick my ass up off the floor when I break down from the stress of it all.
I've been sick for the last two weeks with some upper chest cold. Which has now settled into my lungs. So I'm on meds. A Z pack and some kind of cough drop tablets.

Being sick sucks majorly. Pain and sickness. Plus it put me two weeks behind in school. Damn college.
Two tests this week, one tomorrow and one Friday and I am totally...
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you need to start feelin better dammit tongue

[Edited on Oct 05, 2005 12:53AM]
you tried to add me.. but i dont know you? yet! come leave me comments or something hun x
Finally it looks like Red Cross class is happening. I'm heading out the door now. I'll edit this when I get back and let ya'll know how it went. kiss blush kiss
Hello there beautiful! kiss

How's TN treating you?