Why do I keep letting him break my heart?
Why do I keep letting him break my heart?
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Monday Nov 14, 2005
My Gram is in the hospital. I have no idea what's going on and my mo… -
Saturday Nov 05, 2005
I hate being sick! But sadly I have some kind of stomach bu… -
Monday Oct 31, 2005
Finally everything is settled with the boy's trip! Countdown:… -
Tuesday Oct 25, 2005
25 days till the boy gets here!!!!!!!!!!! Not th… -
Sunday Oct 23, 2005
Yay!! I just submitted my application for enrollment into F.I.T!! Ke… -
Wednesday Oct 19, 2005
Why did no one tell me that life is forever high school? And high sch… -
Friday Oct 14, 2005
Going home (well to my mom's house anyways. Never feels like home a… -
Thursday Oct 06, 2005
Why in the hell do I always find up over comitting myself?! you'd … -
Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
I've been sick for the last two weeks with some upper chest cold. Whi… -
Tuesday Sep 27, 2005
Finally it looks like Red Cross class is happening. I'm heading out t…
You don't need to fight for a guy. You need a guy that will fight for you. It's that simple. If you have to go out of your way for them, and they never do it for you, then he's worthless and stupid, and you should kill him... Ok, maybe not kill him, but you get my drift.
I love ya girl!