Why do people always bring up the past when you want to remember it the least?

I'm pretty sure he was cheating on me the whole time. So why can't I make myself care more?
You shouldn't care more. you deserve better, beautiful.

Starting the new year with a clean house and new clothes. Let's hope something postive comes of it all.
I like to clean house on New Years. It's good luck!

Why does life so often seem like some big beautiful mistake?
My life is lke one of those movies by Bruce Willis that is *supposed* to be funny but it's really not.

Why do I keep letting him break my heart?
Because you're a girl and we do that kind of thing. We keep hoping that they'll get it and they will change or wise up and realize what a good thing they have. But the thing is, they almost never do. Some guys would say that women expect too much, but we don't. We expect from them what they expect from us. It's difficult to hang in there, believe me I know.

You don't need to fight for a guy. You need a guy that will fight for you. It's that simple. If you have to go out of your way for them, and they never do it for you, then he's worthless and stupid, and you should kill him... Ok, maybe not kill him, but you get my drift.

I love ya girl!

kiss kiss kiss

I got a new job!!!
love smile love smile

Ever had one of those days were the sky falls out of your world and all those things that you've been hiding from yourself or lying to yourself about coming crashing down on you forming a prefect puzzle pieced picture of horror and/or fear?

That's my day today.

The few good points:

Got a call back from a fashion school advisor, who seemed to like...
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