Ok guys....
After the 16th I'll be inactive on the site due loseing my internet connection..
My accout will ended on the 28th but I'll be back guys! Just not sure when yet! It might be a few months.
Anyone who wants to stay in touch with me just email me or post a reply here and I'll give you updated information.
I had an amazing time with the boyfriend last week. It was amazing, he's amazing, I'm so in love.
He's gone now and I'm sad but there is talk of my flying out to Vegas in January so I'll focus on that instead.
Also thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes! It was wonderful, the boy took my... Read More
I also get to go see the staged play of Little Women tomorrow! I missed it when I was in London and honestly I'll do anything not to count the hours tomorrow.
My Gram is in the hospital. I have no idea what's going on and my mom isn't answering her cell phone.
Edited: My Gram is fine. She hurt her finger somehow because no matter what we say she continues to do house work. Her finger wasn't broke and didn't need stitchs but it is cut open pretty bad.
I got accepted for a Disney internship,... Read More
I hate being sick! But sadly I have some kind of stomach bug that I can't seem to shake. Lucky for me meds have been called in and I should be feeling better by tomorrow night. At least I hope.
Boy's Trip Here Countdown: 14 days
Birthday Countdown:18 days.
Yay! Two great things to look forword to!
Right now I'm longing for: feeling better, jewelry,... Read More
Finally everything is settled with the boy's trip!
Countdown: 19 days!
It's 6 in the morning and I already wanna say screw it, call it a stay out of school day and curl up in my bed with my fashion magazines. To bad I can't.
I don't even have to be up for another three and a half hours and I'm awake because I just... Read More