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It's when we white folks appropriate a rather minor holiday from your culture and make it a drinking holiday for US!
Could it lead the dominant culture in this country to accept you more and more while we treat you as caricatures? That remains to be seen. But I'm kind...
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He's talking about doing it back in the DOS/Win 3.11 days.
I use this snarky little app that's on this Win XP boot CD. You boot off the CD, it runs a somewhat dumbed down version of XP. Don't eject the CD, or it hangs. Everything but the swap file (if there is one) is on that CD. So you ejecting it causes it not to be able to access the OS. Ouch.
Anyways, the application is a fair bit quirky, but yeah, it'll show all accounts on the system and let you change them.
Sorry I don't have the name. It's out in the car in the box with the drive I use the disc to load images from.
Do yo mind if I ask what name of this application was?
ASSH0LE said:
Alisa said:
that's all i'm really asking is that people have some patience.
You know, Alisa. I was with you right until the point you started quoting G'n'R. God damn do they suck.
you know you love it!!!!!
no i know... but i just couldn't resist the lyrics. it was WAY WAY too cheesy not to.
But it's funny how just a word or two can sink your perception of someone. And not even an offensive word. Just one of those things where this word or phrase makes them appear like an idiot.
I'm at a local...
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("that" group thread)
But..what is the freudian significance of the fallen open purse?
It's good to know someone knows who the Bad Brains are.
HR flipped out about something, and since I new him from being around, he decided to crash at my house for three weeks (this would not have been the case if it were up to me, but the boys I was living with were all star struck and would have fellated him if he'd asked) and there was jamming and music dudes showing up at all hours....yeah..... and I eventually gave the boys a choice; get these dudes out or I was going to have to go all psycho-bitch on everybody! The result was HR leaving in five or ten minutes--I'm not sure, but it was fast--and the guys got to save face and we've all remained friends.
I'm a very sweet person, but , no one wants to see my psycho-bitch!