High time I updated this thing. Hate for you all to think I hadn't gotten around to getting out of my car. But from looking at the inside of it, that might just be true...
I distinctly remember watching the man on TV as a child. Kind of an odd cross between Marylin Manson and Robert Smith on helium, no?
Now what you say, could be scarier than that? How about my friend having a recording of Tiny Tim playing a song called "Santa Claus Caught the AIDS Last Night." No, I'm not shitting you.
I distinctly remember watching the man on TV as a child. Kind of an odd cross between Marylin Manson and Robert Smith on helium, no?
Now what you say, could be scarier than that? How about my friend having a recording of Tiny Tim playing a song called "Santa Claus Caught the AIDS Last Night." No, I'm not shitting you.
your back? wtf mate?
obviously.... so why the long departure?