I had a friend who once popped someone in the face for calling him "dude." You kind of had to be there, I guess.
But it's funny how just a word or two can sink your perception of someone. And not even an offensive word. Just one of those things where this word or phrase makes them appear like an idiot.
I'm at a local event, and these folks are selling these calendars. Artistic semi-nude, with well done body-painting, nice photographic layouts. I'm asked if I want it signed, and while I really could care less, it'd probably come off a bit rude if I didn't oblige their egos by acting interested in signatures.
One of the models signs it "One Love {name}" and her name, while the photographer/model signs it "One Love, Unity, {name}"
I had to make it a point not to cringe.
I found myself walking away thinking, "This person's headed for the commercial art world." For a moment I thought I might be judging too harshly. But then I started parsing the whole experience.
"One Love" OK, a classic reggae song from days of yore. Reggae is something I've come to hate passionately over the years. Not for what it once was, but for what it's grown to be. Particularly in the U.S. Don't get me off on that tangent though.
But let's see, you're using that as your catch-phrase. Great, but you can't make it a copyright as I think the Jamaican Tourism Board still owns the rights to that song. "Come to Jamaica and feel all right..." Oh yeah, the only other people I've heard say that in the past ten years were THESE PEOPLE.
And "unity?" Oh fuck don't get me started on that one. Anyone who says "unity" without it being part of a cogent sentence is a fucking moron. Why? Just like "one love" it's a meaningless platitude. If you're a 14 year old kid in a straight-edge band called "All Tempa-Cheer" (inside joke) I could probably excuse it. I heard enough of the "unity" crap back in the late eighties for an entire lifetime. And usually by kids who'd bash this group or that uniform in the next breath.
Three words, and it changed my perception from "this is really cool (in an SG sort of way)" to "Well, at least the girls are naked."
But it's funny how just a word or two can sink your perception of someone. And not even an offensive word. Just one of those things where this word or phrase makes them appear like an idiot.
I'm at a local event, and these folks are selling these calendars. Artistic semi-nude, with well done body-painting, nice photographic layouts. I'm asked if I want it signed, and while I really could care less, it'd probably come off a bit rude if I didn't oblige their egos by acting interested in signatures.
One of the models signs it "One Love {name}" and her name, while the photographer/model signs it "One Love, Unity, {name}"

I found myself walking away thinking, "This person's headed for the commercial art world." For a moment I thought I might be judging too harshly. But then I started parsing the whole experience.
"One Love" OK, a classic reggae song from days of yore. Reggae is something I've come to hate passionately over the years. Not for what it once was, but for what it's grown to be. Particularly in the U.S. Don't get me off on that tangent though.
But let's see, you're using that as your catch-phrase. Great, but you can't make it a copyright as I think the Jamaican Tourism Board still owns the rights to that song. "Come to Jamaica and feel all right..." Oh yeah, the only other people I've heard say that in the past ten years were THESE PEOPLE.

And "unity?" Oh fuck don't get me started on that one. Anyone who says "unity" without it being part of a cogent sentence is a fucking moron. Why? Just like "one love" it's a meaningless platitude. If you're a 14 year old kid in a straight-edge band called "All Tempa-Cheer" (inside joke) I could probably excuse it. I heard enough of the "unity" crap back in the late eighties for an entire lifetime. And usually by kids who'd bash this group or that uniform in the next breath.
Three words, and it changed my perception from "this is really cool (in an SG sort of way)" to "Well, at least the girls are naked."
("that" group thread)