I havent updated in a long time. wow about 15 or 16 days. so lets go all the way back....
So i went to Padukah, Ky with my exgirlfriend/roomie to meet her family because they were havin a family reunion. i met her cousin and her aunts who were really funny. About the only thing that happened that was funny there was my roomie her cousin Warren and me went to a bowling alley where i guess down in kentucky the high schoolers are looking a lot older than they are... there were a bunch of 13 year olds walking around who looked edible. lol
and then Jessica my roomie/ex girlfriend told me that they were really young...not to make a move. so instead i jokingly counted how many times i could have gone to jail.
My Neighbor
So i met my neighbor awhile back and turns out he parties with my cousin and her best friend and hes been living next door to me for over a year and i never knew him. so me and jessica have been going over to his house and partying alot....he has a nice bar in his garage
and its cool that hes also into the motorcycle thing like me...he builds one every year. but hes a bit on the pervy side....which i wouldnt have it any other way.... i like my freaks. lol but his friends are hilarious. me and jessica one day are going to steal one of his many women that he has coming and going in his house. lol... weird story..... we got wasted one night and we asked him about all the women we see that come and go and we made a bet to see if we could steal one of them when hes not expecting it..... march into his house and "grab" one and see if we can turn her.
Burlington, Iowa
Ive been going to burlington alot to see friends... infact ive been spending almost weeks at a time there. its about an hour and 15 mins drive south of here....so lots of gas been getting burned .... i just got back from there the other day and im planning on going back on the 8th.
False Friends
I CHOOSE not to carry a cell phone because people ring it off the damn hook!! so instead if its really important they will call jessicas cell to get ahold of me...since were inseperable lol. i feel pretty bad because mutual friends of me and jessicas are turning pretty shady. ok the back story of alot of this is.... me and jessica have a lot of friends that will pretend to be her friend to try and get down my pants. sure its nice to have alot of people wanting to sleep/be with me but now its getting ridiculus. I cant help it that they like me (men and women both) but i feel terrible for how they treat jessica sometimes...with the intention of getting to me. but basically you can add two more to the list. i swear i need to leave to country to have some peace and NO DRAMA.
X Friend
the other day i found out through the chain that and X friend of mine is pregnant with a 16 year old kids baby. very sad. even though i worry about and sometimes still think about this X friend ....i cant help but ask "Does she know what condoms are and how to use them properly?" and i also know that since she lives at home her parents are going to kill her. and then because she is of age ....isnt that techinically stagitory rape? i dunno ....but i hope shes praying for some lucky stars. I also heard a rumor of abortion. she is thinking of aborting this baby or possibly using this baby to get the 16 year old kid, which is her ex boyfriend, to come back to her. WRONG WRONG WRONG. i know im not the only one out there that thinks using a baby to trap a man is soooo wrong. not only to him but its also unfair to that said baby. RIGHT?? i dunno..thats her battle but i hope she uses her head.
Pride Month
for all you lezzies and gays and bisexuals and trans out there June is PRIDE MONTH. the pride festivals are comming !! cant wait i plan on going to almost all of them. but this is the listing i have so far for them
PrideFest 2005
June 3-5, 2005------Kansas City, Missouri
June 4, 2005------ Cedar Rapids, Iowa
June 12, 2005------Des Moines, Iowa
June 11-12, 2005------Milwaukee, Wisconsin
June 14-17, 2005------Rochester, Minnesota
June 18, 2005------Iowa City, Iowa
June 20-21, 2005------Omaha, Nebraska
June 20-26, 2005------Twin Cities, Minnesota
June 25-26, 2005------San Francisco, California
June 25-26, 2005------Chicago, Illinois
June 25-26, 2005------St Louis, Missouri
June 25-26, 2005------Waterloo, Iowa
August 6, 2005------Davenport, Iowa
September 15-18, 2005------Mankato, Minnesota
I hope some of you go
do me a favor people... im not in the greatest mood today... and sad to say its pitifull noticing that my testimonials are blank....
So i went to Padukah, Ky with my exgirlfriend/roomie to meet her family because they were havin a family reunion. i met her cousin and her aunts who were really funny. About the only thing that happened that was funny there was my roomie her cousin Warren and me went to a bowling alley where i guess down in kentucky the high schoolers are looking a lot older than they are... there were a bunch of 13 year olds walking around who looked edible. lol

My Neighbor
So i met my neighbor awhile back and turns out he parties with my cousin and her best friend and hes been living next door to me for over a year and i never knew him. so me and jessica have been going over to his house and partying alot....he has a nice bar in his garage

Burlington, Iowa
Ive been going to burlington alot to see friends... infact ive been spending almost weeks at a time there. its about an hour and 15 mins drive south of here....so lots of gas been getting burned .... i just got back from there the other day and im planning on going back on the 8th.
False Friends
I CHOOSE not to carry a cell phone because people ring it off the damn hook!! so instead if its really important they will call jessicas cell to get ahold of me...since were inseperable lol. i feel pretty bad because mutual friends of me and jessicas are turning pretty shady. ok the back story of alot of this is.... me and jessica have a lot of friends that will pretend to be her friend to try and get down my pants. sure its nice to have alot of people wanting to sleep/be with me but now its getting ridiculus. I cant help it that they like me (men and women both) but i feel terrible for how they treat jessica sometimes...with the intention of getting to me. but basically you can add two more to the list. i swear i need to leave to country to have some peace and NO DRAMA.
X Friend
the other day i found out through the chain that and X friend of mine is pregnant with a 16 year old kids baby. very sad. even though i worry about and sometimes still think about this X friend ....i cant help but ask "Does she know what condoms are and how to use them properly?" and i also know that since she lives at home her parents are going to kill her. and then because she is of age ....isnt that techinically stagitory rape? i dunno ....but i hope shes praying for some lucky stars. I also heard a rumor of abortion. she is thinking of aborting this baby or possibly using this baby to get the 16 year old kid, which is her ex boyfriend, to come back to her. WRONG WRONG WRONG. i know im not the only one out there that thinks using a baby to trap a man is soooo wrong. not only to him but its also unfair to that said baby. RIGHT?? i dunno..thats her battle but i hope she uses her head.
Pride Month
for all you lezzies and gays and bisexuals and trans out there June is PRIDE MONTH. the pride festivals are comming !! cant wait i plan on going to almost all of them. but this is the listing i have so far for them
PrideFest 2005
June 3-5, 2005------Kansas City, Missouri
June 4, 2005------ Cedar Rapids, Iowa
June 12, 2005------Des Moines, Iowa
June 11-12, 2005------Milwaukee, Wisconsin
June 14-17, 2005------Rochester, Minnesota
June 18, 2005------Iowa City, Iowa
June 20-21, 2005------Omaha, Nebraska
June 20-26, 2005------Twin Cities, Minnesota
June 25-26, 2005------San Francisco, California
June 25-26, 2005------Chicago, Illinois
June 25-26, 2005------St Louis, Missouri
June 25-26, 2005------Waterloo, Iowa
August 6, 2005------Davenport, Iowa
September 15-18, 2005------Mankato, Minnesota
I hope some of you go


do me a favor people... im not in the greatest mood today... and sad to say its pitifull noticing that my testimonials are blank....

like were is this one at.. June 12, 2005------Des Moines, Iowa?