hey kiddies!!! well im having a great time....for once lol... it seems i always have drama surrounding me..but not now!
I am now seeing someone.... A MAN ...
and i have been speding a lot of time in Burlington, Iowa. in fact i spent pretty much a str8 week there. and now...... im thinking i like burlington so much and i met a lot of people down there..... that i have plans to move before too long. not sure just when but i know before august. (BTW...Bash i miss ur comments!) Funny thing though.... the girl that came back from Vegas for me and we were "seeing" each other...she now lives with me and we are just best friends now... and i do mean best friends...
weird but good thing i guess.....>> she sleeps in the same bed with me and she knows i am with someone else
wouldnt you think things would be weird?? they arent! other than that..... just been up to no good
. but DAMN im having fun. how is everyone else is SG Land???
~~ Asphyxiia

~~ Asphyxiia

I'm glad you've found a new someone. Hope you're happy and having lots of fun

wow ! you are awesome !! keep having a great time with great people !!! i'm soo envious !!!!