WOW thanks you guys for he nice comments..... the ones that did.... out of 70 sum people 11 replied. WOW ive been having the weirdest couple of days. Well it is official..... me and Alkatraz are no longer a couple. but we still talk and see each other every waking moment it seems like lol. Sorry Bish the grewsome twosome is no more.
But..... in better news. we are doing this sort of switch-er-roo (funny word) thing with another pair of best friends. she hasa HUGE crush on this kid named Cricket (James) who is 16 yrs old.!! Girl is gonna commit some felonies.... but whatever trips her trigger. then this kid cricket has a bisexual best friend named Rosie. i am really into her and vise-versa. so weve all been hanging out as a foursome lately. nothign is official with any of us... but who knows. but Alka and crcket make a good couple. i jsut hope he doesnt hurt her. him beein so young and all. he does.. and ill serve his balls as sushi. lol.
wel i am thinking about making a trip to Iowa City to this place called the G Spot. to get my hair done. Jsut not sure when im going yet. so anyone in Iowa City...perfect time to plan a SGIA gathering. I would do it but dont know Iowa City too well. well tonight is probably another night that me, alka rosie and cricket get together and do something. so ill let you know what happens ......
But..... in better news. we are doing this sort of switch-er-roo (funny word) thing with another pair of best friends. she hasa HUGE crush on this kid named Cricket (James) who is 16 yrs old.!! Girl is gonna commit some felonies.... but whatever trips her trigger. then this kid cricket has a bisexual best friend named Rosie. i am really into her and vise-versa. so weve all been hanging out as a foursome lately. nothign is official with any of us... but who knows. but Alka and crcket make a good couple. i jsut hope he doesnt hurt her. him beein so young and all. he does.. and ill serve his balls as sushi. lol.

hey i just got back from nowhere and got your request. iowegia represent. your request has been granted.
you missed some nice weed today baby doll.