SO... havent written for a few days.... hope u all enjoyed the boob shot lol
so let me catch you all up ....
I havent seen my girlie-friend
Alkatraz in a few days. ... i REALLY miss her. lol.... i wish i was her pole to piss on though (inside joke)
No seriously, shes all i seem to think about. but then again i HAVE been chasing her for 2 years... but then i finally got her... go me. but then sometimes its a little akward. but we'll figure it out. OMG....could it be love???
ok im a dork.
The 25th was my friend pauly's birthday so travis and his brother keri threw him a party at their house.... only bad thing was they didnt invite Alkatraz. i was sooooo bummed... ..even though shes reading this and saying "bullshit" cuz i didnt call hr back that night.... but i really thought travis already did... he was supposed to... so misconception. the party was ok.. we got lil mikey high for his first time... it was so funny. but the whole time i was there i was sick (didnt know what i had yet) and os i couldnt smoke all that much.... couldnt breathe. but i went home thinking about Alka.
Damn.. ok im rambling... but seems shes on my mind this morning. lol i wish she would look at me sometimes the way she looks at travis.... she really has a thing for him and i think im getting the back burner cuz of it... and i really hope shes not pregnant... that would be horrible... but i would still help her out anyway she needed.
the next day i woke up feeling so shitty i couldnt talk or breathe or anything scared me.. i was throwing up all over the place. so i went to the Doc. and he told me i have Whooping Cough (been an epidemic of the stuff runing around) and an ear infection... so im pretty groggy. but he gave me enough meds to knock me stupid
im still feeling the same but the only good thing is im floating sometimes lol...
other than that bullshit.. i havent seen my friends since then.... or Alka.. damn i miss her.... ive been sleeping for 2 days straight practically... and since im a diabetic... the meds i take arent as strong.... and whenever i get sick it seems i get an "infection" of some sort... sinus infection... ear infection etc.... plus ... its almost a death sentence if its a bad ilness.... i had pnemonia (i think thats how u spell it) about 5 months ago and they wanted to keep me in the hospital.. but i hate hospitals... so i made them let me go home... needless to say that was a "bright" idea. anyways... long story short.. im sick.
then... i went to a tattoo parlor and had them draw me up a SG design im getting put on my lower back.. so im excited about that....

I havent seen my girlie-friend

The 25th was my friend pauly's birthday so travis and his brother keri threw him a party at their house.... only bad thing was they didnt invite Alkatraz. i was sooooo bummed... ..even though shes reading this and saying "bullshit" cuz i didnt call hr back that night.... but i really thought travis already did... he was supposed to... so misconception. the party was ok.. we got lil mikey high for his first time... it was so funny. but the whole time i was there i was sick (didnt know what i had yet) and os i couldnt smoke all that much.... couldnt breathe. but i went home thinking about Alka.

the next day i woke up feeling so shitty i couldnt talk or breathe or anything scared me.. i was throwing up all over the place. so i went to the Doc. and he told me i have Whooping Cough (been an epidemic of the stuff runing around) and an ear infection... so im pretty groggy. but he gave me enough meds to knock me stupid

other than that bullshit.. i havent seen my friends since then.... or Alka.. damn i miss her.... ive been sleeping for 2 days straight practically... and since im a diabetic... the meds i take arent as strong.... and whenever i get sick it seems i get an "infection" of some sort... sinus infection... ear infection etc.... plus ... its almost a death sentence if its a bad ilness.... i had pnemonia (i think thats how u spell it) about 5 months ago and they wanted to keep me in the hospital.. but i hate hospitals... so i made them let me go home... needless to say that was a "bright" idea. anyways... long story short.. im sick.

then... i went to a tattoo parlor and had them draw me up a SG design im getting put on my lower back.. so im excited about that....

ok Im lost, lol, who is alka and .. are u guys dating??
ah tnx! my english is sooo bad!