well thursday night lol ...................well lets jsut say it was fun. Me and a few friends, kyle, travis and shance and my girlfriend alkatraz went to a strip club for a female ametuer night. YAY!!
my friend shance got taken for over a hundred dollars on a stripper ... what a dope!! lol and then shance left for a long time with a stripper and drank with her etc.... hes a slut.
then my girlfriend and travis went to be judges in the contest and alk's boobs got played with alot. i was so jealous
Oh my and then there was my stalker... yikes he made a scene and threw a six pack of beer at my chest...ouch. the guys wanted to kill him.
hmm another funny thing that happened was two strippers came up to the table we were at and asked "our boyfriends" to buy "their girlfriends" a lapdance...then Alk told the girls that we're the ones together not with the guys lol and they left pretty quick lol i think we scared them... but oh well.
one of the girls that danced in the contest was agirl i greww up with so that was funny.
she jsut about freaked when she saw me so i gave her a tip and put my face in her chest lol... i had lots of fun.... but sionce i dont want to write much...go read my girlfriends journalAlkatraz... she did a better update
bye for now Kiddies

my friend shance got taken for over a hundred dollars on a stripper ... what a dope!! lol and then shance left for a long time with a stripper and drank with her etc.... hes a slut.

Oh my and then there was my stalker... yikes he made a scene and threw a six pack of beer at my chest...ouch. the guys wanted to kill him.
hmm another funny thing that happened was two strippers came up to the table we were at and asked "our boyfriends" to buy "their girlfriends" a lapdance...then Alk told the girls that we're the ones together not with the guys lol and they left pretty quick lol i think we scared them... but oh well.

one of the girls that danced in the contest was agirl i greww up with so that was funny.

bye for now Kiddies


yes it was very fun