i swear i am the most vain person i know sometimes. im my own worst critic. i dont judge others about their looks but i swear i fight with myself in my head about how shitty i look sometimes
. There is always something i want to change. i hate just about everything thing physical about me. ooohhh it sucks.
Bring on the liposuction!!!
Today was such a shitty day. The only good thing that came out of it was it rained and i love listening to it. Tomorrow i have an interview for a new job at Spencers.... yaya i get to hopefully get rid of my receptionist job. too "stiff" for me. just boring and no one to talk to besides the damn people that call up saying "my lawn is flooded... my retaining wall is falling because the ground is too soft. help!" (i work for a landscaping co.) shit like that. So hopefully this new job will be a little bit more fun.
Ahh i forgot it's Valentine's Day.
dare we name is ....BLACK MONDAY
. I hate Valentine's Day this year. everything sux. i feel like shit. im still sick feeling.
. and my dog is so strange. she doesnt listen to me no matter what i say. she does it to torment me. shes' cute though
. Looky looky...........
Scarlett, my chihuahua.

Bring on the liposuction!!!

Today was such a shitty day. The only good thing that came out of it was it rained and i love listening to it. Tomorrow i have an interview for a new job at Spencers.... yaya i get to hopefully get rid of my receptionist job. too "stiff" for me. just boring and no one to talk to besides the damn people that call up saying "my lawn is flooded... my retaining wall is falling because the ground is too soft. help!" (i work for a landscaping co.) shit like that. So hopefully this new job will be a little bit more fun.
Ahh i forgot it's Valentine's Day.

i used to be one, but now i'm letting my natural color grow back out ( i shaved my head)
your doggie is adorable, and so are you!!