Well today was a weird one. I was with Alkatraz today again. we went and met a friend of mine that i had been talking to over the internet for awhile. was a little strange. if i were to date a guy he would have been the type i would date. he is even a musician
yummy love those. but then we got there and i was uncomfortable. my girlfriend and i were making out with him and i just didnt feel right doing it.. was different because im not used to being attracted physically to a guy
but i was with him but i just didnt feel right being sexual with him. so it was a new thing for me to xperience. Im so confused sometimes. i had been raped awhile back and ever since then i hate men. well i have considered trying to give men another chance and well folk it doesnt look like its gonna happen. Pussy, Pussy Pussy for eveyone!!
well tommorrow me and Alkatraz are going to take pictures of each other so i should have some to see soon.


Hey Cutie
How are you?