Am I the only one who is finding it funny that people can't seem to swallow Mayweather's victory? He's the best in regard to technical skill, and agility... period. He out-boxes his opponents because he observes, anticipates, and counters their every move. Mayweather doesn't do this to stand there as a gladiator and get the piss beaten out of him, he does it to rake...
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Oy. I've had a whole week to do this Statistics exam online... and still nothing.
Where the fuck is my motivation? :/
I think I've become so mentally oriented to problem-solving and seeing ways to optimize a situation, that when someone comes to me to repeatedly vent about the same exact problem without implementing measures to actually change that situation.. I find myself at a loss. Sure, there are things that I'm complacent about in my life... but they obviously don't bother me enough to need to...
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Recently, I've been looking more into the philosophical lectures and writings of Alan Watts. One of my favorite chill songs (Dreams by n u a g e s) featured excerpts from one of his lectures on the nature of consciousness. I'm not quite sure why his rhetoric is resonating so heavily with me at the moment, but I'm enjoying the discovery of new perspectives all...
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Dear People-with-pictures-of-everything-but-yourself,
I can understand that you may want to maintain some feeling of anonymity on a site such as this, but in a way, so would I. And the fact that you put forth no real reflection of yourself...
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I'm going to check out your photos now...