Thought i'd show off this beauty!

Tron helmet!
It was given to my work by a customer on fancy dress. I was doing a clear out with my boss the other day and he told me to chuck it out! er.....I'LL HAVE IT! thank you very much.
It lights up loads more but i haven't any batteries to put in the rest of it. But basically, the lighting installed has settings so it can flash too. There's lighting inside as well. It's wicked.
I'll post a better photo once i buy some more batteries.
And i just put one of my old memory cards in my camera to take the pic and found a load of photos from years ago....
Here's a half naked photo of me when i was 16....naughty.

Back when i was as white as a ghost and had some serious eyebrowage going on...
Much love,
Asphazia X x

Tron helmet!
It was given to my work by a customer on fancy dress. I was doing a clear out with my boss the other day and he told me to chuck it out! er.....I'LL HAVE IT! thank you very much.
It lights up loads more but i haven't any batteries to put in the rest of it. But basically, the lighting installed has settings so it can flash too. There's lighting inside as well. It's wicked.
I'll post a better photo once i buy some more batteries.
And i just put one of my old memory cards in my camera to take the pic and found a load of photos from years ago....
Here's a half naked photo of me when i was 16....naughty.

Back when i was as white as a ghost and had some serious eyebrowage going on...
Much love,
Asphazia X x
that's an awesome helmet! I have the same kind of wire/light that I'm going to (when I get my lazy ass to it) put it in my bubble corsets.