Had a crazy past few days...
It was my birthday on Monday so i headed over to my Smiley_ place where i was greeted by him and Mothburns with some lovely lovely prezzies and a birthday cake.
The Mr got me a GP-4 gas mask and a baby Hookah (Shisha) and the Mrs got me a gorgeous little octopus cigarette case.

Me and him went for a meal in the day followed by lots of drinks in the evening.
The night was going great, we stopped by my work for a few cocktails and headed over to Roadhouse where we danced like nutters as per usual and took over the dance floor.
By this point we were both pretty damn wasted. Instead of going home, we headed over to AXM which is a club in the gay village....
SO.............. We were having a great time on the dance floor, taking lots of pics and dancing to the cheesiest of cheesiest pop tunes when we decided to go for a smoke...
-Here is where it gets pretty dark and disturbing...-
These three chavs, scallies or whatever you'd like to call them came over to chat to me. At first they were being alright, infact i was having a laugh with them. Then Adam walks over casually making his rollie and gets chatting to one of the guys. All of a sudden this dick'ed decides to ask Adam whether we'd like to go back to there's and take coke and chill with them. Obviously Adam refuses politely but this guy takes the next step of being an absolute cunt and telling Adam the things he'd love to do to me...
Next thing i know, i'm having to try and get in the way of them both not starting on each other. The bouncers hadn't stepped in and everyone around was just staring and doing fuck all....no help at all.
We were both pretty damn wasted so a lot of it is a blur. I remember the 2 other guys were now fighting with Adam so there were 3 of them jumping on him like wild dogs. I turn round for literally a few seconds, screaming for help...i turn back and Adam's on the floor motionless with his arms around his head being repeatedly kicked in the head and stomach.
This was an absolute head fuck. Seriously, i honestly thought he was dead by that point. My heart dropped. I ran over screaming at them all to get the fuck off him. Then this fucking Italian tool who had absolutely nothing to do with it, decided to join in and kick Adam also in the head. Because i had thrown myself over to protect him, this guy kicked me in chest in the process.
The 3 guys had run off but this Italian dick head was being held back by one of the bouncers. (Cheers Mr Doorman for getting involved AFTER the fight!)
I lifted Adams head off the ground to check his face....he was unconscious for a few seconds and his beautiful face was a complete bloody mess. But guess what, my nutter of a boyfriend starts giggling asking me whether he's bleeding. I've never seeing him look like that so trembling i took him over to the side walk to get cleaned up by the first aid woman. Adam was the one calming me down telling me it was ok and no need for tears.
I immediately called up our Mrs to explain the situation as best as i could but all i remember her saying was "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" so it went from Adam calming me down to me trying to calm Harriet down! Bless her. She couldn't get down to see us at the time so i can imagine she was worried sick for the next 24 hours.... worried sick's a bit of an understatement.
After having his face seen, we got up...walked a few paces and guess who we see casually chilling on the side?! the iItalian guy. I knew EX-ACT-LY what was going to happen next. Adam runs over and throws the guy into the wall like he was a rag doll, followed by a good series of punches. The oh so amazing bouncers who know Adam, yes KNOW Adam, all of a sudden tell us both to get lost and disappear before the guy decides to call the police. I walk over to the doorman to apologize for all the commotion but all i get is "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU TWO!" as if me and Adam were the ones to blame. He just literally got his head kicked in on the floor by four pricks and we're getting the shit for it because they don't want any drama a couple of weeks before Gay Pride.
We walked off and i managed to drag Adam in the taxi to take him to A&E. Walk in, get him checked in, go for a smoke and look who walks out of the door....The Italian guy. Adam runs up to him and gives him another good beating in return for him kicking Adam whilst unconscious on the floor. The security come out and try and break it up. Adam knew the security guards and explained the situation in which they understood and took the guy to the side, trying to calm Adam down in the process.
This...did not happen. He went for a third and fourth round of punches and knees to the head. Both security could not get Adam off this idiot for a good while. After he calmed down, i was still so upset from seeing the love of my life beaten to the floor. I just couldn't get the image out of my head and seeing one of the guys in front of me was seriously heating up my anger.
I walked over and gave this tool a good punch to the face after giving him an earful of how disgusting he is for kicking a man when he's down. This guy was laughing at both of us....
Adam a few minutes later joined in and threw him down to the ground where i gave him a good kick. The security by this point were shouting at us to calm down and go back in the hospital.
Went back into the waiting room where we were greeted by 4 policeman. We were basically told that this guy was wanting to press charges......
We both get arrested.
I was giving the police so much shit. I was so wound up we were being arrested for doing fuck all, that we were the victims and WE get arrested in the process. I thought it was a great idea at the time to tell the police they'd do exactly the same if their missus was insulted like that..... i had no reply from any of them so i of course carried on and carried on. All i got was a "Calm down" from both the police and Adam.
We got to the station at about 4.30am. Everything taken off us. I was giving them a running commentary on what they were taking off me and how ridiculous it was for them even considering asking me to take my piercings out. (We didn't.)
16 god damn hours in the cell. It was mind numbing.
All i could think about was seeing Adam being kicked repeatedly in the face. Spent many hours crying, drifting off to sleep walking up with dry make-up down my face that was wiped off constantly by the thin woollen blankets given to us. Every hour i'd have someone look into the peep hole in the door to check up on me. And every time i checked i was waiting to hear the keys jingle, hoping it was time for my interview so we could go home.
After 12 hours, i had my photo and finger prints taken followed by my interview. I was advised to get a solicitor but i refused over and over. I didn't feel the need to have one seeing as i knew i would be telling the whole truth and Adam would be telling the same story. I had nothing to worry about, right?!
I broke down in the interview as i had to explain the situation for the first time properly when i was sober. He told me that this Italian guy called Simone had said that basically Adam had randomly turned on him and punched him....bullshit.
I could see the interview guy could feel my frustration and upset so tried to explain what the worst case scenario would be but told me we'd probably just get cautioned.
Shortly after Adam has his interview and at about 8pm we were both released! I bolted over to my hobbling battered solider and was glad it was all over so i could look after him at home!
We were cautioned on a section 47.
It was basically based on the CCTV footage outside A&E. The police hadn't seen what had happened to Adam outside AXM so they had to go off that.
It's a fucking joke that we ended up in the cells for a day but i'm just glad Adam is still in one piece. Apart from all that, i had an amazing birthday! We both joke about our little adventure to the cells, a way to remember my 23rd birthday!

Adam thought it would be funny to carry on photo blogging...
I looked after him for the next couple of days. He's still currently recovering, frustrated at the fact he can't play on his ps3 due to his swollen hand.... Lol.
I'll make another blog with all my birthday photos another day, this blog has exhausted me.
Much love,
Asphazia X x
It was my birthday on Monday so i headed over to my Smiley_ place where i was greeted by him and Mothburns with some lovely lovely prezzies and a birthday cake.
The Mr got me a GP-4 gas mask and a baby Hookah (Shisha) and the Mrs got me a gorgeous little octopus cigarette case.

Me and him went for a meal in the day followed by lots of drinks in the evening.
The night was going great, we stopped by my work for a few cocktails and headed over to Roadhouse where we danced like nutters as per usual and took over the dance floor.
By this point we were both pretty damn wasted. Instead of going home, we headed over to AXM which is a club in the gay village....
SO.............. We were having a great time on the dance floor, taking lots of pics and dancing to the cheesiest of cheesiest pop tunes when we decided to go for a smoke...
-Here is where it gets pretty dark and disturbing...-
These three chavs, scallies or whatever you'd like to call them came over to chat to me. At first they were being alright, infact i was having a laugh with them. Then Adam walks over casually making his rollie and gets chatting to one of the guys. All of a sudden this dick'ed decides to ask Adam whether we'd like to go back to there's and take coke and chill with them. Obviously Adam refuses politely but this guy takes the next step of being an absolute cunt and telling Adam the things he'd love to do to me...
Next thing i know, i'm having to try and get in the way of them both not starting on each other. The bouncers hadn't stepped in and everyone around was just staring and doing fuck all....no help at all.
We were both pretty damn wasted so a lot of it is a blur. I remember the 2 other guys were now fighting with Adam so there were 3 of them jumping on him like wild dogs. I turn round for literally a few seconds, screaming for help...i turn back and Adam's on the floor motionless with his arms around his head being repeatedly kicked in the head and stomach.
This was an absolute head fuck. Seriously, i honestly thought he was dead by that point. My heart dropped. I ran over screaming at them all to get the fuck off him. Then this fucking Italian tool who had absolutely nothing to do with it, decided to join in and kick Adam also in the head. Because i had thrown myself over to protect him, this guy kicked me in chest in the process.
The 3 guys had run off but this Italian dick head was being held back by one of the bouncers. (Cheers Mr Doorman for getting involved AFTER the fight!)
I lifted Adams head off the ground to check his face....he was unconscious for a few seconds and his beautiful face was a complete bloody mess. But guess what, my nutter of a boyfriend starts giggling asking me whether he's bleeding. I've never seeing him look like that so trembling i took him over to the side walk to get cleaned up by the first aid woman. Adam was the one calming me down telling me it was ok and no need for tears.
I immediately called up our Mrs to explain the situation as best as i could but all i remember her saying was "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" so it went from Adam calming me down to me trying to calm Harriet down! Bless her. She couldn't get down to see us at the time so i can imagine she was worried sick for the next 24 hours.... worried sick's a bit of an understatement.
After having his face seen, we got up...walked a few paces and guess who we see casually chilling on the side?! the iItalian guy. I knew EX-ACT-LY what was going to happen next. Adam runs over and throws the guy into the wall like he was a rag doll, followed by a good series of punches. The oh so amazing bouncers who know Adam, yes KNOW Adam, all of a sudden tell us both to get lost and disappear before the guy decides to call the police. I walk over to the doorman to apologize for all the commotion but all i get is "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU TWO!" as if me and Adam were the ones to blame. He just literally got his head kicked in on the floor by four pricks and we're getting the shit for it because they don't want any drama a couple of weeks before Gay Pride.
We walked off and i managed to drag Adam in the taxi to take him to A&E. Walk in, get him checked in, go for a smoke and look who walks out of the door....The Italian guy. Adam runs up to him and gives him another good beating in return for him kicking Adam whilst unconscious on the floor. The security come out and try and break it up. Adam knew the security guards and explained the situation in which they understood and took the guy to the side, trying to calm Adam down in the process.
This...did not happen. He went for a third and fourth round of punches and knees to the head. Both security could not get Adam off this idiot for a good while. After he calmed down, i was still so upset from seeing the love of my life beaten to the floor. I just couldn't get the image out of my head and seeing one of the guys in front of me was seriously heating up my anger.
I walked over and gave this tool a good punch to the face after giving him an earful of how disgusting he is for kicking a man when he's down. This guy was laughing at both of us....
Adam a few minutes later joined in and threw him down to the ground where i gave him a good kick. The security by this point were shouting at us to calm down and go back in the hospital.
Went back into the waiting room where we were greeted by 4 policeman. We were basically told that this guy was wanting to press charges......
We both get arrested.
I was giving the police so much shit. I was so wound up we were being arrested for doing fuck all, that we were the victims and WE get arrested in the process. I thought it was a great idea at the time to tell the police they'd do exactly the same if their missus was insulted like that..... i had no reply from any of them so i of course carried on and carried on. All i got was a "Calm down" from both the police and Adam.
We got to the station at about 4.30am. Everything taken off us. I was giving them a running commentary on what they were taking off me and how ridiculous it was for them even considering asking me to take my piercings out. (We didn't.)
16 god damn hours in the cell. It was mind numbing.
All i could think about was seeing Adam being kicked repeatedly in the face. Spent many hours crying, drifting off to sleep walking up with dry make-up down my face that was wiped off constantly by the thin woollen blankets given to us. Every hour i'd have someone look into the peep hole in the door to check up on me. And every time i checked i was waiting to hear the keys jingle, hoping it was time for my interview so we could go home.
After 12 hours, i had my photo and finger prints taken followed by my interview. I was advised to get a solicitor but i refused over and over. I didn't feel the need to have one seeing as i knew i would be telling the whole truth and Adam would be telling the same story. I had nothing to worry about, right?!
I broke down in the interview as i had to explain the situation for the first time properly when i was sober. He told me that this Italian guy called Simone had said that basically Adam had randomly turned on him and punched him....bullshit.
I could see the interview guy could feel my frustration and upset so tried to explain what the worst case scenario would be but told me we'd probably just get cautioned.
Shortly after Adam has his interview and at about 8pm we were both released! I bolted over to my hobbling battered solider and was glad it was all over so i could look after him at home!
We were cautioned on a section 47.
It was basically based on the CCTV footage outside A&E. The police hadn't seen what had happened to Adam outside AXM so they had to go off that.
It's a fucking joke that we ended up in the cells for a day but i'm just glad Adam is still in one piece. Apart from all that, i had an amazing birthday! We both joke about our little adventure to the cells, a way to remember my 23rd birthday!

Adam thought it would be funny to carry on photo blogging...
I looked after him for the next couple of days. He's still currently recovering, frustrated at the fact he can't play on his ps3 due to his swollen hand.... Lol.
I'll make another blog with all my birthday photos another day, this blog has exhausted me.
Much love,
Asphazia X x
I do love my gas masks yes
MrB, if you ever came to the UK on a night out with us...We can't promise not getting in trouble again but i'm sure Adam will agree that we can promise you a good night out, lol.